Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

79 j that had been ufedamong thejews " and fince he who was delivering a " new Religion, and was authorized " in the high&Manner that ever any " was, did, yet fo far comply with re- " ceived Practices, as from them to " take thofe which he fantified for the Ufe of his Church it feemed much fitter for thofe who had no fuch ex- " traordinary Warrant to give them " Authority . in what they did, when " they were reforming Abufes, to let " the World fee, they did it not from " the wanton Defre of Change, or " any ilifedation of Novelty, and with " thofe Refolutions they enter'd on " their Work." A great deal of Noife has been made with this Oblation, that fome of the Prayers in the Liturgy were taken out of the Mars Book. The Lawfilnefs of publick Forms is agreed on all Hands, and it can hardly be fuppofed that every Thing employed in the Popifh ` Service was thereby ren- der'd unfit for Chriftian Ufe. Howma- ny impious Tricks did they play with Water : Muff we therefore never Bap- tize with Water` `? or becaufe they with, many Fopperies confecrated Bells, muff we lofe an ufeful Method of calling People to Church by the Sound of them becaufe they ufed the Apofiles Creed,