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d3irea. VI. Of SanEtificetiotz. 109 glory of our falvation may not be afcribed at all to our faith or works, but only to this free grace of God in Chrift : " It is of faith, that it may be by 46 grace," Rom. iv. 16. Ff thiy, Chrift, or his Apoftles, never taught a gof- pel that requireth fuck a condition of works for fal- vation as they plead for. The texts of Scripture which they ufually alledge for their purpofe, are ei- ther contrary to it, or widely diftant from it; as they might learn from many Proteftant interpreters, if their affection to a Popifh tenet had not blinded them. I thail inftance briefly only in a few of thofe texts, whereby you may have fame light to judge of the true meaning of the reft. That obedience of faith, mentioned by 'the Apoftle Paul, as the great defign of gofpel preaching, Ro. i. 5. is as contrary to their condition of fincere obedience for falvation, as the law of faith is to the law of works, Rom. iii. 23. It is an obedience that confifteth in believing the re. port of thegofpei; as the Apoftieexplaineth himfelf, Rom 2t. 16. They have not all obeyed the gofpel : for Efaias faith, " Lord, who hash believed our re- 46 port ?" Faith is to be imputed for righteoufnefs, not becaufe it is a work of righteoufnefs itfelf, but becaufe we do by it renounce all confidence in any righteous works whatfoever, and truft on him that juftifieth the ungodly ; as is clear by that very text which they ufually pervert for their purpofe, Ro. iv. 5. They grofsly pervert thofe words of Paul, Ram. ii. 6, 7. " Who will render to every man according áG to his deeds -; to them, who, by patient continu- 66 ance in weildoing, Peek for glory, and honour, 6' and immortality, eternal life." 'Where they will have Paul to be declaring the terms of the gofpel, when he is evidently declaring the terms of the law, to prove, that both Jews and Gentiles are all under fin, and that no flefh can be juftified by the works of the law, as appeareth by the tenor of his follow, in4 difcourfe, Rom. iii. 9, 19. They join evidently