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t36 rhe* chef-110 y Dir. Thus the finfül woman was brought to wafh Chrift's" feet with her tears, Luke vii. 37, 38. We are not like to be forry for grieving God with our fins, while we look upon him as an enemy, that will eafe him.. felf well enough of his burden, and right himfeif upon us by our everlafting deftruCtion. The belief of God's pardoning and accepting grace, is a necef- Cary means to bring us to an ingenuous confeffion of fins. The people freely corifeffed their fins, when they were baptized of John in Jordan; " for the re; " million of fins," Mark i, 4, g. The cOnfeflion of defpairers is forced, like the extorted confeffiona and cryings Out of malefaCtors upon the rack. A Pardon fooner openeth the mouth to an ingenuous tonfeffion, than; Confefs and be hanged; Confelf and be damned. Therefore, if you would freelycon.. fefs your fins, believe firft, that " God is faithful tt and juif to forgive your fins," through Chrift, t John i. 9 And, if yon Would pray to God; or praife him, with lively affeCtions, you muff firfit believe that God will hear you, and give you what is belt for you for Chrift's fake, John xvi. 23, 24. other- wife your praying will be only from the teeth out ward ; for how (hail they call on him " in whoa " you have not believed ?" Rom. x. 14. You mutt come firft to Chrift, the altar, by faith, that by him, you may " offer the facrifice of praife to God con=, 6 6 tinually," Heb. :Kill, to, is. Finally, To pafs from particulars, to the general affertion laid down in the direction ; if you Mk, WhatJinnwe do that we may work the works of God, or get any faving qualifications ? I muff direct you firít to faith, as the work of works, and the great laving preparatory to all good qualifications, by an- fwering in our Saviour's words, " This is thework of God, that ye believe on him whom he bath r Aerit" John vi. 28, 29.