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t The Gofpel-?Glyflcry DireEls. X. bring me to holinefs, you muff make ufe of other more effeIuai arguments; for I cannot pra ife up- on thefe principles, becaufe I have not faith enough to believe, that I have any intereft in them. Some arguments taken from the juffice and wrath of God againft finners, and his mercy towards thofe that perform the condition of lincere obedience, would work more powerfully uponme. Owhat a miferable iorthlefs kind of laving faith is this, that cannot fit a believer to praCtife in a gofpel manner, upon the molt pure and powerful principles of grace, but ra- ther leaveth him to work upon legal principles, which can never bring him to ferve God acceptably out of love ! And as fuch a faith faileth wholl f in the tight manner of obeying upon gofpel principles, fo it faileth alto in thevery matter of force great dirtiest, which are of fuch a nature, that they include affur- anceof God's love in the right performance ofthem; fuch are thofe great duties of peace with God, re- joking in the Lord always; hope that maketh not a- fnámed; owning the Lord as our God and our Savi- our; praying to him as our Father in heaven; offer- ing up body and foul as an acceptable facrifice to him; carting ail our cares of body and foul upon him; contentment and hearty thankfgiving in every con- dition; making our boaft in the Lord; triumphing in his praife; rejoicing in tribulation; puttingon Chrifb in our baptifm; receivingChrift,'s body as broken for us, and his blood as flied for us in the Lord's fupper; committing our fouls willingly to God as our Re- deemer whenever he fhail be pleated to call for us; loving Chrift's fecond appearance, and looking for it as that bleffed hope. When we fall into any fud- den doubting whether we are in a Rate of grace al- ready; when we are called to any prefent undertak- ing, as to partake of the Lord's fupper, or any duty that requires affurance to the right performance of it, we muft relieve ourfelves, by trufting confidently in Chriít for the prefent sift of his falvation, or elfe