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Direa. IV. Of Sa;zRfcation. 77 are in this world, befides truff on Chrift for all his benefits, as he is protnifed in the gofpel. 2dîy, there is in this laving faith, a natural ten. dency to furniflt the foul with an holy frame and na- tute, and all endowments neceffary thereunto, out of the fulnefs of Chri ±t. An hearty affectionate truft- ing on Chrift for all his falvation, as freely promifed to u9, bath naturally enough in it to work in our fouls a rational bent and inclination to, and ability for, the ptadtice of all holinefs ; becaufe it compre- h.endeth in it a trailing. " that, through Chrift, we " are dead to fin, and give to God, that our old man " is crucified, Rom. vi. ,2, 3, 4. and that we live by 6' the Spirit, Gal, v. 25. and that we have forgive- it nefs of fin ; and that God is our God, Pfalm xxxi. 6' 14. and that we have in the Lord righteoufnefs and ftrength, whereby we are -able to doall things, a' Ifa. xiv. 24. Phil. iv. 1.3. and that we (hall beglo- rioufly happy in the enjëyment of Chrift to all e- " ternity," Phil. iii. 20, 21. When the faints in Scripture fpeak fo highly of , fuch glorious fpiritual privileges, as I have here named, they acquaint us with the familiar fenfe and language of their faith, trufting on God and Chrift, and they give us but an explication of the nature and contents of it ; and they-fpeak of nothing more than what they re- ceive out Of , the fulnefs of Chrift. And how can we otherwife judge, but that thofe who have an hearty love to Chrift, and can, upon agood ground, think and fpeak fact' high things concerning them- feives, mule needs be heartily difpofed, and mightily itrengthestcd for the practice of holinefs ? idly, Becaufe faith bath fuch a natural tendency to difpofe and ttrengthen the foul for the practice of holinefs, we have caufe to judge it a meet in- ítrument to accomplifh every part of that practice to an acceptable' manner. Thofe who with a due affection believe ftedfaftly on Chrift for the free gift f all his falvation' may find, by experience, that