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Dire(t. V. t f Sanrti nation. 87 " in the flesh," is to be in a natural t$ate ; as to " be in the Spirit," is to be in a new ftate, by the Spirit of Chrift dwelling in us, Rom. viii. 9. The corrupt nature is called, flefh, becaufe it is received by carnal generation ; and the new nature is called fruit, becaufe it is received by fpiritual regeneration. " That which is born of the flefh, is Re(h ; and " that which is born of the Spirit, is fpirit," John iii. 6. So the Apoftle, if he be rightly underftood, hath faicl enough to make us defpair utterly of at- taining to true holinefs, while we continue in a na- tural (tate. Fourthly, The Apoftle teftifieth, that " thofe that " have been taught as the truth is in Jefus, have it learned to avoid the former fnful converfation; " by putting off the old man, which is corrupt ac- " cording to the deceitful lufts; and by putting on " the new man, which after God is created in " righteoufnefs and true holinefs, Eph iv zi, 22, it 24." Putting off the old man, and putting on the new man, is the fame with not being in the flesh, but in the Spirit, in the foregoing teftimony; that is, putting off our natural ftate, and putting on a new (fate, by union and fellowfhip with Chrift. The Apoftle himfelf (heweth, that by the new man is meant, that excellent Efate wherein Chrift is all, and in all, Col. iii t t. Therefore by the old man, mutt needs be meant, the natural Rate of man, wherein he is without the faxing enjoyment of Chrift; which is called old, becaufe of the newRate to which believers are brought by their regeneration in Chrift. This is a manner ofexpreffion peculiar to thegofpel, as well as the former, and as Rightly con fidered by thofe that think that the Apoftle's mean- ing is only, that they fhould put off finfulnefs, and put onholinefs in theirconverfation ; andfo they think to become new men, by turning over a new léaf in their practice, and leading a new life. Let them learn here, that the old and new man are twocontra-