Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of theperfonal Types. .,. Bat vet withal, there is a great difparity between Chrift and yd(hua and the Refts they bring their Followers into. fofhua brought them, but into a State of outward Reif, in the Land of Promife; which was not the true Reft : But Chrift gives us an higher Reif in Heaven, by bringing us into a State of Grace and Glory. Thus you fee how eminently fo¡haia was a Type of Jefus Christ, Who is the 'Type or Figure of bim that is to come, Rom, 5. I4.. 1667. THe fecond Conglobation of typical Perms wider the Law is Sampfon, David and Solomon, three famous Rulers among the People of Godof Old. All which three put together give a bright and glorious Reprefentation-of the Meiliah, Samfon in his Death and Sufferings, Da- vid in his Viaories and Conquelts, Solomon in the Peace and quiet Eftablifhment of his Kingdom. i. Sartafon, a Perfon, whole Story is famous in the Scripture, and fome think, that the Fame of him went forth amdngft the Heathen ; and that their Fables of the Strength of Hercules, and Nifus his Pur- ple Locks took their rife from the Story of Samfon. The Grecians commonly turning all into Fables, Gr vcia Mendax ; and being great pretenders to Antiquity, being as drunk with the Pride of that Pre- tence ( though as falfe) as the Papifts are at this Day ; and there- fore making their own Country, the Scene, and Stage of every won - derful '. thi g (as fome have well obferved of them r) They report of N1fis' the King of Megaris in Greece, that he had on his Head a Purple Hair,, on which the Prefervation of his Life and Kingdom did depend, which Jewel his Daughter Scylla is faid to have delivered unto King Minos, her Father's Enemy, with whom the fell in Love, Of whichFables it may be faid, Fábula fundatur in Hiftoria, thefe Fables feem tobe founded in the Hiftory of ancient Times. That Sarnfon was a Godly Marais certain, becaufe he is numbred a- mongft thofe eminent Believers, Heb. t r. That he was a Type of Chrift appears by the clearnefs of the Ana= logy between him and the Antitype ; and there feemeth to be fome intimation of it in Jacob's Prophefe, Gen. 9.9. of which hereafter. And indeed the Analogy is fo clear, that t meet withnone that have written of the Types, but take notice of Sgrnfon for one focloth alto Calvin and B.e4r; oa Matt 2. iadto Iept. Y :