Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

48 PARADISE LOST. Book V. Flatly unjuft, to bind with laws the free, And equal over equals to let reign, 82© Ooe over all with unfucceeded Shalt thou give law to God ? fhalt Thou difpnte With Him the points of liberty, who made Thee wh2Lt, Thou art ? and fored the Pow'rs of heav'n Such as He plea'd, and circumicrib'd their Being ? 825 Yet, by experience taught, we know how good, And of our good, and of our dignity How provident He is ? how far from thought To make u leis; bent rather to exalt Our itwy flare, under one head more near 839 1:hized, But to grant it thee unjuilo Ttiar equal over equals monarch. reign : Thy felt (though g:e d glorious) doll thou count, Cr Angelic Nature join'd in one, Equal to Him begotten Son ? By whom, $35 4s by his Word, the mighty Father made All toings, ev'n Thee, and all the fpirits of heav'n, By Him created in their bright degrees ; Crown'd them with glory, and to their glory nam'd Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Virtues, Pow'rs, Effential Pow'is ! nor by his reign obleur'd, 841 But more iilufiricus wade, fince He the Head One of our number thus reduc'cl becomes ; His laws our laws, all honor to him done ir:eturns our own. Ceafe then this impious rage, 845 And tempt not thefe ; but haften to appeafe Th' incenfed Father, and th' incenfed Son, Wnile pardon may be .found, in time betought. So fpake the fervent Angel : but his zeal one ieconded, as out of itafon joclg'd, 850 tiogolar and raih : whereat rejoic'd 3pollate, and more haughty thus reply'd, That