Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

.54 PARADISE LOST. BooK.I1. in the pourlieus of heav'n, and therein plac'd A race of upflart creatures, to fupply Perhaps our vacant room ; though more remov'd, 835 Left heav'n furcharg'd with potent multitude Might hap to move new broils. Be this, or ought Than this more fecret, now defign'd, I hafte To know, and this once known, (hall loon return. And bring ye to the place where Thou and Death S40 Shall dwell at eafe, and up and down unieen Wing fluently the buxom air, imbalin'd With odors : there ye (hail be fed, and fill'd Immeafurably, all things (ball be your prey. He ceas d, for both feem'd highly pleas'd, and Death Grinn'd horrible a ghaftly (mile, to hear 846 His famine fhould be fill'd, and Nell his maw Deftin'd to that good hour : no lefs rejoic'd His mother bad, and thus befpake her fire The key of this infernal pit by due, 850 And by command of heav'ri's all- powerful Xing, I keep ; by him forbidden to unlock Thele adamantine gates; agaicft all force Death ready flands to interpcfe his dart, Feariefs to be o'ermatch'd by living might. 855 But what owe 1 to his commands above Who hates me, and bath hither thruft me down Into this gloom of Tartarus profound, To fit in hateful office here confin'd, Inhabitant of heav'n, and heav'nly-born, 36o Here in perpetual agony and pain, With terrors and with clamors compafs'd round, 01 mine own brood, that on my bowels feed ? Thou art my father, thou my author, thou My being gavit ; whom fhould I obey 865 But