Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

01. ii 7c) PARADISE LOST. BooK III; Much lets that durft upon his own head draw 220 The deadly forfeiture, and ranfom fet. And nowwithout redemption all mankind Muft have been loll, adjudg'd to death and hell By doom fevere, had not the Son of God, In whom the fulnefs dwells of love divine, 225 His deareft mediation thus renew'd. Father, thy word is pall, man (hail find grace : And shall grace not find means, that finds her way, The fpeedieft of thy winged meffengers, To vifit all thy creatures, and to all 230 Comes unprevented, unimplor'd, unfought ? Happy for man, fo coming ! he her aid Can never leek, (once dead in fins, and loft) Atonement for himfelf, or offering meet, Indebted, and undone, bath none to bring. 235 Behold me then, me for him, life for life I offer, on me let thine anger fall ; Account me man: I for his fake will leave Thy bofom, and this glory next to thee Freely put off, and for him laftly die 240 Well pleas'd, on me let Death wreak all his rage. Under his gloomy pow'r I than not long Lie vanquifh'd ; thou haft giv'n me to poffefs Life in my Pelf for ever; by thee I live, Though now to Death 1 yield, and am his due 245 All that of me can die : yet that debt paid, Thou wilt not leave me in the loathfome grave His prey, nor fuffer my unipotted foul For ever with corruption there to dwell : But I (hall rite vidorious, and fubdue 250 My vanquither, fpoii'd of his vaunted fpoil Death his death's wound (hall then receive, and (loop Inglorious, of his mortal fling difarm'd. I through