Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SONNETS. VIII. 465 When the affault was intended to the City; Captain or Colonel, or Knight in arms, Whofe chance on thefe defenfelefs doors may feife, If deed of honor did thee ever pleafe, Guard them, and him within proted from harms. He can requite thee, for he knows the charms 5 That call fame on fuch gentle ads as thefe, And he can fpread thy name o'er lands and Peas, Whatever clime the fun's bright circle warms. Lift not thy fpear againft the Mules bow'r The great Emathian conqueror bid (pare The houfe of Pindarus, when temple' and tow'r Went to the ground and the repeated air Of fad Eledra's poet had the pow'r To lave th' Athenian walls from ruin bare. IX. To a virtuous young Lady. Lady that in the prime of earlieft youth Wifely hail fhunn'd the broad way and the green And with thole few art eminently Peen, That labor up the hill of heav'nly truth, The better part with Mary and with Ruth Chofen thou haft ; and they that overween, And at thy growingvirtues fret their fpleen, No anger find in thee, but pity' and ruth. Thy care is fix'd, and zealoufly attends To fill thy odorous lamp with deeds of light, xo And hope that reaps not fhame. Therefore be fure Thou, when the bridegroom with his feafiful friends Paffes to blifs at the mid hour of night, Hatt gain'd thy entrance, Virgin wife and pure. C