BOOK XII. PARADISE LOST: 34.3 Which he, who comes thy Saviour, (hall re-cure, Not by deftroying Satan, but his works, In thee and in thy feed. Nor can this be, 395 But by fulfilling (that which thou didft want.) Obedience to the law of God, impos'd On penalty of death, and (offering death ; The penalty to thy tranfgreffion due; And due to theirs which out of thine will grow: 4o So only can high jaltice rea appaid. The law of God exalt he (hall fulfil, Both by obedience and by love ; though love Alone fulfil the law : thy punithment He (hall indure, by coming in the flefh 405 To a reproachful life, and curled death : Proclaiming life to all who (hall believe In his redemption ; and that his obedience Imputed, becotnes theirs by faith ; his merits To fave them, not their own (tho' legal) works. 41© For this he !ball live hated, be blalphem'd, Seis'd on by force, judg'd, and to death condemn'd, A fhameful and accurit l nail'd to the crofs By his own nation ; thin for bringing life. But to the crofs he nails thy enemies, 415 The law that is again(( thee, and the fins Of all mankind, with him there crucify'd. Never to hurt them more, who rightly atilt In this his Satisfaction. So he dies, But loon revives ; death over him no pow'r 420 Shall long ufurp : e'er the third dawning light, Return, the (tars of morn (hall fee him rite Out of his grave, frefh as the dawning light, The ranfom paid, which man from death redeems, His death for man, as many as offer'd life 125 Negled not, and the ben; it embrace By faith, not void of works. This God-like a6t Annuls