Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

To the Right Honorable JOHN, Lord Vifcount BR,ACKLY. SON AND HEIR-APPARENT, TO T EARL OF BRIDGEWATER, & MY LORD, THIS poem, which received its fir,fl fi occaon of birthfrom yourfelf and others ofyour noble family, andmuch honor from your own perfon in the-performance, now returns again to make a final dedication of itfelf to you. Although not openly acknowledg'd by the author, yet it is a legitimate offspring, fo lovely, andfo much defired, that the often copying of it bath tir'dmy pen to give my fiveral friends fatisfation, and brought me to a necejity of producing it to the public view ; and now to offer it up in all rightful devotion to thole fair hopes, and rare endowments of your much rpromiAng youth, which give a fullafitrance, to all that know you, of afuture excellence. Live Tweet Lord to be the honor of your name, and receive this as your own, from the hands of him, who bath by many favors been long oblig'd to your, moll honor'd parents, and as in this reprefentation your attendent Thyrfis, fo now in all realexpreeion Tour faithful and ma)? humble Servant, H. L AWES. In the edition of 1645 was prefixed Sir Henry Wotton's letter to the author upon the followingpoem : but as we have infertecl it in the Life of Milton, there is no coca/ion to repeat it here.