Boole XII. PARADISE LOST. 347 Infallible ?) Yet many will prefume : 530 Whence heavy perfecution fhall arife On all, who in the worfhip perfevere Of fpirit, and truth : the reit (far greater part) Will deem in outward rites, and Ipt.cious forms, Religion fatisfy'd; truth (hail retire 535 Beduck with flendrous darts; and works of faith Rarely be found. So (hail the world go on, To good maiignant, to bad; men benign ; Under her own weight, groaning ; tiil the day Appear of rcfpiration to the jull, 540 And vengeance to the wicked : at return Of Him fo lately promis'd to thy aid, The Woman's Seed ; oblcurely then foretold ; New amplier known thy Saviour, and thy Lord; Lail, in the clouds, from heav'n to be reveal'd 545 In glory of the Father, to diffolve Satan, with perverted world ; then raife From the conflagrant mals, purg'd and refiti'd, New heav'ns, new earth, ages of endiefs date, Founded in righteeufnefs, and peace, and love; 550 To bring forth Iruitsjoy, and eternal blifs. He ended ; and thus Adam hit reply'd. How loon hath thy predielion, Seer bleft ! Meaur'd this tranfient world the race of time, Till time flind fix'd ? Beyond is all Abyfs, Eternity, whole end no eye can reach Greatly inftruaed final! hence depart ; Greatly in peace of thought ; and have my fill Of knewledge, what this veffel can contain : Beyond which was my folly to afpire ! 560 Henceforth I learn, that to obey is beft, And love with fear the only God; to walk As in His prefence ; ever to obferve 555 His