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AND CONSISTENCY IN CONDUCT. 121 higher views of the spirituality of the law 9f God, and a more humbling sense of your own unworthiness. Even the almost Christian prophet seems not to have been previously so deeply convinced of sin, as when, overwhelmed by the glory of the Divine vision, he exclaimed, " Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts 1." The person who addresses you has seen some promising characte:,s sadly disappoint the hopes which their early stages in religion had excited. By taking o high. a tone at first, they not only lost all the ground they had gained, but sunk into indifference themselves, accompanied with a prejudice against serious piety in others. They not only became deserters, but went over to the enemy's camp. Avoid their error. The world is too much disposed to impute rashness, pre- sumption, and enthusiasm to the purest and most correct religious characters. In your instance let them not be fur, nished with any ground for this censure