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1.V2 ON SOUNDNESS IN JUDG1VIENT, by your deserving it. If You advance, you glorify God, and promote your own salvation ; if you recede, you injure the cause you now intend to serve, and bring uponyourselves a fearful condemn- ation. Self-abasement, self-examination, and prayer, are the best preservatives for .all who have entered on a religious life, and are especially becoming in inci- pient Christians. There is one thing. we would more particularly press on the important class we are now taking the liberty to address ; - it is thecultivation ofa soundjudgment, Ofall persons; religious persons are most bound to cultivate this precious faculty. We see how highly the great Apostle of the Gentiles valued it. In directing the spiritual, labours of his beloved young friend, in stirring him up to every good word and work, he does not forget this exhortation : " The Lord give thee a right understanding in allthings!" Again, he prays for his beloved Philippians, " that their love may abound more and more in