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sa TRENCH OPINION to these inanimate societies. Certainty this explanation admits the followingpre- liminary question, Are the movers in these lifeless circles disgusted with their existence ? By the way, we do not quite understand whether by le degout de la vie she means a dislike to company, or a. taste for suicide.. But let us do justice to her who has in most respects done ample justice to our country. If she is a little sickened with the moody taciturnity, and unassuming. manners of our ladies, she graciously re- deems their characters by making them a full allowance of the more solid virtues. sheacknowledges that sincerity and truth form. the basis of their conversation, even where all the graces are wanting. It is somewhat doubtful, however, whether she would not willinglyhave relinquished the actual, in exchange for the absent qua- lities. While we continue to preserve, or ra, ther to improve in, this, only true found- ation of Christian intercourse, we will