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to the Ex. pletnntion of the Dofrine, &c. ditty, that his Writings were e/leemed by many for the !insula- rity of the things alerted in them. Fourthly, The Difference that bath been among Proteflant Writers about this Doctrine is pleaded in the prejudice of it. Oleander in the entrance of the Reformation fell into a vain imagination, that we were Juftified or made Righteous with the ...ntial Righteoufne f? of God, communicated unto us by Jefus Chrift. And whereas he was oppofedherein with fore feverity by the moft learned perlons of thofe days, to coun- tenance himfelf in his (insularity he pretended that there were twenty diferent Opinions among the Proteflants them- felves about the formal cattle of our Juflification before God. This was quickly laid hold on by them of the Roman Church, and is urged as a prejudice againft the whole Doctrine, by Bellarmine, Vafquez, and others. But the vanity of this pre- tence of his hath been fufficiently difcovered ; and Bellarmine himfelf could fancy. but four Opinions among them, that feemed to be different from one another, reckoning that of Oleander for one : De juflifcat. lib. 2. cap. I. But whereas he knew that the Imagination of Oleander was exploded by them all, the other three that he mentions are indeed but di fling parts of the fame entire Doctrine. Wherefore until of late it might be truly faid, that the Faith and Do&rine of all Pro - teflants was in this Article entirely the fame. For however they differed in the way, manner, and methods of its De- claration, and too many private men were addicted unto De- finitions and Deferiptions of their own, under pretence of Lo- gkal accuracy in Teaching, which gave an appearance of, fome contradiction among: them, yet in this they generally agreed, that it is the Righteoufnefs of. Chrift and not our own, on the account whereof we receive the pardon of fin, acceptance with God, are declared Righteous by the Golpel, and have a Right and Title unto the Heavenly Inheritance. Hereon, I fay they were generally agreed, firft againft the Pap i fis,