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o6 Yufiif ing Faith; the Caufes, Objet, of 7ufiz fying Faith, or of true Faith, in its office, work, and duty, with refpe& unto our Juffification. And herein we muff firff confider what we cannot fo well clofe withall. For betides other Differences that feem to be about it, which in- deed are but different Explanations of the fame thing for the fubffance, there are two Opinions which are looked on as Ex- treams, the one in an Excels, and the other in Defe &. The firff is that of the Roman Church, and thofe who comply with them therein. And this is, That the Object of yuflifying Faith as fuch, is all Divine Verity, all Divine Revelation, whether written in the Scripture, or delivered by Tradition . reprefented unto us by the Authority of the Church. In the latter part of this Defcription we are not at prefent concer- ned. That the whole Scripture and all the parts of it, and all the Truths of what fort foever they be that are contained in it, are equally the Object of Faith in the difcharge . of its Office in our Juftification, is that which they maintain. Hence as to the nature of it they cannot allow it to confift in - any thing but an Afent of the mind. For fuppofing the whole Scripture, and all contained in it Laws, Precepts, Promifes, Threatnings, Stories, Prophefies and the like, to be the Ob- jell of it, and thefe not as containing in them things Good or Evil unto us, but under this formal confideration as di- vinely revealed, they cannot affign or allow any other A& of the mind to be required hereunto but Affent only. And fo confident are they herein,. namely, That Faith is no more then an Affent unto divine Revelation, as that Bellarmin in op pofition unto Calvin, who placed knowledge in the defcription of Juffifying Faith,, affirrms that it is better defined by Igno- rance than by Knowledge. This Defcription of Juffifying Faith and its Object, bath . been fo difcuffed, and on fuch evident Grounds of Scripture and Reafon reje &ed by Proteflant Writers of all forts, as that it inf ff much upon it again, Some things I (hall obferve