BT763 O9 1677

The jature of Piiiiying Faith. 14 is denied, that any Faith, Trull, or Confidence which may be imagined, fo as to be abfolutely feparable from, and have its whole nature confiftent with the abfence of all other Graces, is that Faith which is the efpecial Gift of God, and which in the Gofpel is required of us in a way of Duty. And whereas Tome have faid, That Men may believe, and place their firm Trull in Chrifi for Life and Salvation, andyet not be jii- fled ; it is a pofition fo deftru&ive unto the Gofpel, and fo full of fcandal unto all pious Souls, and contains fuch an ex- prefs denial of the Record that God hath given concerning his Són Jefus Chrift, as I wonder that any perfon of Sobriety and Learning Ihould be furprifed unto it. And whereas- they plead the Experience of multitudes who proles this firm Faith and Confidence in Chr fi, and yet are not ju fied ; it is true indeed, but nothing unto their purpofe. For whatever they prefefr, not only, not one of them do fò in the fight and judgment of God, where this matter is to be tried ; but it is no difficult matter to eviec them of the folly and falfenefs of this profefl'ion, by the Light and Rule of the Gofpel, even in their own Confciences if they would attend unto Inftruflion. Wherefore we fay the Faith whereby we are juftified is fuch as is not found in any but thofe who are, made partakers of the Holy Ghoft,_ and by him united unto Chrift, whore. Nature is renewed, and in whom there is a principle of all. Grace and purpofe of Obedience. Only we fày it is not any other Grace, as Charity and the like, nor.any Obedience that gives life and form unto this Faith ; but it is this Faith : that gives life and efficacy unto all other Graces, and form. unto all Evangelical Obedience. Neither doth any thing hence accrue unto our Adverfaries, who would have all thole Graces which are in their Root and Principle at leafl, prefent in all that are to be juflified, to have the Pre, influence unto our Juítification as Faith hath; or that we are Paid to be juftified by Faith alone, and in Explication of it in.anfìver unto the Rea_