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not the nature of any Juf ifz'cation mentioned in the Scripture ; but is contrary to all that is fo called. Other Arguments to the , fame purpofe. Sentential yn. lifreation at the laß day. Nature of the laß judgment. Who (hall be then juf ifed. A Declaration of Righteoufnefs, and an ACtual Admiffion unto Glory, the whole of jufifi'cation at the laß day. The Argument that we are jußi- fled in this life, in the fame manner, and on the fame Grounds as we f all be judged at the laß day, that Judgment being accord- ing unto Works, anfwered ; and the Impertinency of it declared. Pag.2ia. CHAP. VII: Imputation, and the nature of it. The fi'rf exprefs Record of Juflification, determineth it to be by Imputation. Gen. 15. 6. Reaf ns of it. The DoF rine of Imputation cleared by Paul ; the occalion of it. Maligned and oppofed by many. Weight of the .Doc`trine concerning Imputation of Righteoufnefs on all hands acknowledged. Judgment of the Reformed Churches herein, particularly of the Church of England. By whom oppo- fed, and on what Grounds. Signification of the Word. Differ- ence between reputare and imputare. Imputation of two Binds. s.) Of what was ours antecedently unto that Imputation, whether good or evil. Inßances in both kinds. Nature of this Imputation. The thing imputed by it, imputed for what it is, and nothing elfe. ( 2.) Of what is not ours antecedently un- to that Imputation, but is made fo by it. General nature of this Imputation. Notjudging of others to have done what they have not done. Several dißinFt Grounds and Rcaf ns of this Impu- tation. (I.) Ex Juflitia; (I.) Propter Relationem faede- ralem. (2.) Propter Relationem Naturalem. (2.) Ex voluntaria fponfione. Inßances, Philem, I .Gen. 43. 9.Yolun- tary fpon (ion, the Ground of the Imputation of Sin to Christ. ( 3.) Ex injuria. r King. 1. 21. (4.) Ex mera Gratia. b Rom.