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to the Explanation of the Doc`lrine, &eo not only fo, but I doubt they oftentimes difpute themfelves beyond what they can well abide by, when they return home unto a fedate meditation of the fiate of things between God and their own fouls. And I cannot much value their notions and fentiments of this matter, who object and anfwer them - {elves out of a fènfe of their own Appearance before God, much ifs of theirs who evidence an open inconformity unto the Grace and truth of this Doétrine in their hearts and lives. 9. Wherefore we do but trouble the faith of Chriftians and the peace of the true Church of God, whilft we difpute about Expreffions, Terms and Notions, when the fubítance of the Doecrine intended, may be declared and believed, without the knowledge, underftanding, or ufe of any of them. Such are all thofe in whofe fubtile management the captious Art of wrangling doth principally confift. A diligent Attendance unto the Revelation made hereof in the Scripture, and an examination of our own experience thereby, is the Sum of what is required of us for the right underftanding of the truth herein. And every true Believer who is taught of God, knows how to put his whole truft in Chrift alone, and the Grace of God by him, for Mercy, Righteoufnefs and Glory, and not at all concern himfel >f with thofe loads of thorns and briars, which under the names of Definitions, Diftinftions, accurate Notions, in a number of Exotick, Pædagogical and Philofophical terms, force pretend to accommodate them withall. ao. The Holy Ghoft in expreffing the molt eminent Acts in our Juftification, efpecially as unto our Believing, or the acting of that faith whereby we are juftified, is pleafed to make ufe of many Metaphorical Exprejfions. For any to ufè them now in the fame way, and to the fame purpofè, is efteemed rude, undifciplinary, and even ridiculous , but on what Grounds ? He that (hall deny, that there is more fpiri- tuai fenfe and experience conveyed by them into the hearts and