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to the Explanation of the Dot trine, &e. . appear before the Tribunal of God ; and how unftfe it will be för us there to infift on any thing in our felves. Hence are the words of the fame "Vim in his Meditations. Con - feientia mea meruit damnationem & penitentia mea non ju fjlcit ad fatisfaClionem, fed certum efi good mi fericordia tua /uperat omnem ofenfionem. My Confcience bath deferved damnation, and my Repentance is not fufficient for fatisfaaion, but moi t certain it is, that thymercyaboundeth above all offence. And this feems tome a better Direftion then thofe more lately given by fome of the Roman Church. Such is the prayer fr.ggef cd.- unto a fick man, by Johan. Poland lib. Iviethodtss in ad- juvandis t sorientibus. Domine yefu, conjunge, ob fecrc, abfè- quium meute cum omnibus qui tu eqi fli, pajïus es ex tam per felfa Charitate Obedicntia. Et corn divitirr faticf,dclio- nutn 6° meritorum Drlec`lionk, Patri'terno illied offerre dig - veris. Or that of a greater Author, Antidot. Anime', fol. 17. Tu bine o rofea Martyrum turba offer pro me, nunc & in herd mortis me', merita fdelitatunt, conflanti', & pretior fangui- nis, cum fanguine Agni immacolati, pro omnium Pute efï; r. ..£:ierom long before Anfelm, Cral.e to the fame purpofe. Cum dies Jodicij aut dormitionis advenerit, omnes manas di folventur ; quibus elicitor in alio loco confortamini manas elf folot e ; difolvcntur aútem manas quia nullum opus dignum Dei juflitia reperiatur, & non juftificabitur in confiecio ejats omnis °vivens, uncle Prop beta elicit in Pf lmo, /i iniquit ates attendris Do- mine,quis fuflinebit, lib. 6. in Ifa. in-dap. 13. v. 6, 7. Men tL e day of ,7udgement, or o f Death, fhàll come, all hands will be diff l- ved ( that is, faint or fall Clown ), unto which it is fail in another place, be firengthei ed ye hands that hang down. But all hands fhall be melted down ( that is, all mans ftrength and confidence fhall fail them ) becaufe no works (hall be found which can anfwer theRighteoufnefs of Gods for no fief") fhall le , j flified in his fight. Whence the Prophet Pays in the Pf her,. If thou Lord fhou'ldfl markiniquity, who fhculd (land ? And Ambrofe.: