BT763 O9 1677

58 General Coniderations previouf ly necefary is perfe &ly comprehenfible and in all its concerns and refpe&s to be accounted for ; that what cannot be in things finite and of a feparate exiftence, cannot be in things infinite whole being and exiftence can be but one, with other fuch irratio- nal yea bruitifh Imaginations, all the Arguments of thefe pretended men of Reafon againff the Trinity, become like Chaff that every Breath of Wind will blow away. Hereon they muff as they do, deny the di incí Operations of any Per - fons in the Godhead in the Dif nfation of the myfiery of Grace. For if there are no filch diffin& Perlons there can be no fuch diffin& Operations. Now as upon a denial of thefe things no one Article of Faith can be rightly underffood, nor any one Ditty of Obedience be performed unto God in an ac- ceptable manner, fo in particular, we grant that the Doéfrine of Juffification by the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, cannot ffand. 2. On the fame Ground the Incarnation o f the Son of God is reje&ed as ¿ n v .17,7ré-7u7vv, the mofe abfur conception that ever befell the minds of men. Now it is to no purpofe to difpute with men fo perfwaded about jufliftcation. Yeà we will freely acknowledge that all things we believe about it are 2,fac7,AKthaloi, no better then old Wives Tales, if the In- carnation of the Son of God be fò allo. For I can as well mnderfiand how he who is a meer man, however exalted, dignified, and glorified, can exercife a Spiritual Rule in and over the Hearts, Confciences and Thoughts of all the men in the World, being intimately knowing of and prefent unto them all equally at all times, ( which is another of their fop - peries ) as how the Righteoufnefs and Obedience of One thould be' efteemed the Righteoufnefs of all that Believe, .. if that Owe be no more then a man, if he be not acknowledged to be the Son of God incarnate. Whilft the minds of men are prepoflefled with fuch preju- dices. nay unlefs they firmly affent unto the Truth in thefe fours-