BT763 O9 1677

6c General C onficderations previouflynecefary which yet favours of intolerable Prefumption. So Socinus himfelf fpeaking of the fatïsfafion of Chrif faith in plain Terms ; Ego quidem etiamfi non f mel fed fepius ici in facris monumentis fcriptum extaret, non idcirco tamen. ita prorfus rem fe habere credererj, sst vos opinamini ; cum enim id= onanino feeri- non pófft, nonfo cus atq; irz:niitltis aliis Scripture Teflimëniis, una rum ceteris omnibus facio 5 ` aliqua que minus incommoda videretur, interpretation adhibita, eum fenfum ex ejufmodi ver- bis elicerem qui rbi. confiaret ; For my part if this (Doctrine) were extant and written in the Holy Scripture, not once but often, yet rooulcí,Fnot therefore believe it to be fo as' you do, For where - a it can by no means he fo ( whatever the Scripture faith ) wduld as I do with others in other places,: make of of force lof incommodious Interpretation, whereby I would draw a fenfe out of the words that fhould be conlilent with it feif , And how he would do this he declares a little before ; .Sacra verba in alium fenfum quam verba f nant per innßtatos etiani; Tropos gnandoq; explicantur r He would explain the words into ano: Cher fenfe then what they found or propofe by unufoal Tropes. And indeed fach uncouth Tropes doth he apply as fó many En- gines and Machines to pervert all the Divine Teftimonies con- cerning our Redemption,. Reconciliation, and Juftification by the Blood of Chrift. Having therefore fixed- this as their Rule, conftantly to- prefer their own;.. Reafon above the exprefs words of the Scripture, which muff therefore by one means or other be tOperverted or wrefted to be made compliant therewith, it' is Endlefs to trace them-in their multiplied Objections againft the holy myfteries; all'refolved into this one priihciple, that ti eir- Ee f n cannot comprehend them ;.. nor Both approve Of them? And if any man would have an. efpecial Inftance of the ferpentine Wits- of men winding themfelves from under the power., of Convi&ion by the fpiritual Light of Truth, or leeft,ende vouring ib to do, let, him read the Comments of the