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CAp.I1Tß:t6. Mr G'S Expoficion. ofRom.8,m8. Dif-cufled. 56 what himfelfe is pleafed to draw forth as the ftrength ofit , unto Self. 52, pag. erg. Now though Mr Goodwin bath not at all mentioned any Analyfis of the place infiftedon, for the making out ofthe Truthwe believe to be intended in it, nor ever once{hewed hisReader the faceofour Argument fromhence, but only drawn fomethingofit forth , in fuch divided parcells , as he appre- hendedhimfelfe able to blurre and obfcure; yet to make it evident, that he hath not prevailed to foyle that part ofthe ftrengthofTruth (his Adverfary) whichhe voluntarily chofe tograpplewithal!, I fhall confider that whole dii- courfe, and manifeft the nullity of his Exceptions unto this Teflimony given in 4 i6. by the Apoflleto the Truthwehave inhand. Toobtainehis end, Mr Goodwinundertaketh thefe two things, z. Firft, togive in an Expofition of the place of Scripture infifted on, whence no fuch conclufion as that, which he oppofeth ( faith he) can be drawne. 2. Secondly, togive in Exceptions to our Interpretation of it, and the In- ferences thereupon by usdeduced. The firft in thefe words. For the fcope of the Apoflle, in the fequell of this paffage, ie eleerely this, as theparticle for in thebeginning ofverf. 29. plainlyfbeweth, toprove and makegood that Affertion of his v. 28. that all things work togetherfor Good, to thofethat love God: toprove this, hefheweth by what Method, and degrees ofDi- fßenfations Godwill bring itfo to paffe. Whom he,fare- knowes (faith he) that is, pre-approves, (thewordKnowledgefrequently in ScriptureimportingApprobation) as he mull needs doe thofe that love him; theft he Predeflinates tobe conformed to the Image ofhisSonne : andtherefore as allthings, even hisdeepe.ff fuferings, wrought together for Goodunto him ,fo mull they needs doe unto thole, who are Predeflinated, or Preordinated by God to a Conformitywith him; To give youyet, faith our Apoflle, afartherandmoreparticularaccount, how God in thefecret of his.Counfells, hath laid things in order to the bringing ofthem unto an ailuall conformitywith the Image ofhis Sonne, to wit, inGlory ,whom he Predeflinated thereunto, (who arefuch as love him, and thereupon are approvedby him)you are tounderhand, that whom he hath foPreciesfinated, he bath alto Called, (that is) bathPurpofed or Decreed to Call to the knowledge of his Bonne, or of his Gofpell, (that is) to afforda more plaine and effeüuall difcovery ofhim unto them then unto others, whomhe hath not fo Predeflinated: By the way, this Call doth not neceffarilyfuppofe a Saving Anfwer given unto it by theCalled, nowhit more, then the Calling mentioned Mat. 2o. r 6. Mat:22. r4. It onlyfuppofeth a realipur- pofe on Godspart, to make it veryfuficieat to procure fisch an Anfwer to it, from thole that areCalled: The Apoflle advanceth towardhispropofedend, and addeth: Thofe whom heCalls, them he altoluilified(that is) according to our loll expofi- tion ofthe wordCalled, he hathPurpofedor Decreed to7uilify: towit, incafe the Calledobffruï8 him not in his way, or by their unbeliefe render not them- felves uncapableofnuflifrcation: Theclaufe following is likewife tobe underffood with the like provifo as this; Whom he hathYufIified, themhe alfa Glorified, that is, bathPurpofed orDecreed tofave, in cafe they retaine the Grace ofJuilificati= on, confirmedupon them to the end. °'17r.' Firft: Let it be granted, that the defigneof the Apoftle is tomake good A that Affection, All things(hall work together for Good, to them that love God, and the Confolation forBelievers, which thence he holds forth unto them; yet he doth not only flew by what Method, Degrees, or Stepps, God will bringit topaffe, but alío, as theFountaine ofall that enfues, layesdown the unalterable Purpofe ofGod concerningthat End , which is attendedin, and accomplifht by all thofeStepps or Degreesofhis effe tuáll Grace after men- tioned,