Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Ofthe ule and fence of,,vWCkw, zpvarKO, S'Cifio&C. CA P. 11 15a tioned;This Mr Goodwin paffeth over,as not tobe wrefted into any tolerable 57 conformity with that fence(if there beany fence in the wholeof what he infif}s- upon for the fence of this place ) which he intends to rack and preffe the words unto. To faveHumbling at the Threfhofd, ( which is malum omen) he leaps at onceover the confideration ofthis Purpofe and Defigneof God, as aiming at a certain end, without the leaft touch upon it. Farther that God will bring it topaffe, that all things fliall work, togetherfor Good to them that love him, isnot intendedby Mr Goodwin, as though it fhould infalliblybe fo indeed, butonly that Godwill fo way=lay them,with fome Advantages, that it may be fo, as well as otherwife. What Confolation Believers may receive from this wholeDifcourfeofthe Apofile, intended properly toadminifter it unto them, as it lies under theGloffe enfuing, (hall be dïfcovered in our fol- lowing Confiderationofit: Thus thenhe makesit out. Whom hefore-Knower, that is Preapprooves (the wordKnowledge in scripture 4, 15: frequently importing Approbation) as he mmfl needsdoe thofe that Love him, themhe Prede inates. I. (Firfi) that to Know is fometimes taken in Scripture for toApproove, Anf; maybe granted: But that theword hereufed mutt therefore fignifìe toPreap- proove,isan affertion,which I dare not pretend to fo much foreknowledge as to think that any onebefides himfelfewill approove. Mr Goodwìn(I doubt not) knowes full well that Prepofitians in Greeke Contpofitions doe often reftraine fimpleverbs formerlyat liberty for other ufes, to one precife fignification. Theword Nvetaam in itsconfiant fence inother Authors is pr.efcio orprede- aerno; yinklea it felfe forto determineor decree: fo is fcifco among the Latins, the ancient word, to know. Sohe in Plautus, Rogitationes plurimas propter vos Plaur. iu Cura popular fcivit, qua: vos rogatasrumpitis. Andno thingmore frequent in Cicero cur. ßuæ fcifceretplebs, aut quopopulus juberet &c. andagaine Quad multaperm- cic.proF[acro: &2 deLegib. ciase, multapefliferéfcifcuntur inpapali:: and, Planos prime legemfcivit de Pro plaucio. Publicans: In like manner is yrvdcká frequently ufed tt yvavav rsa7o d vrnrcáv they Ptutarchac i e determined not todoe that thing: ''Ad'uta. leyvrurx oki its ó zeds, (ayes he in La, ALuaánd clan. He hath determinedunrighteous things againft me. Hence ÿawia is of Promuh. ten taken for a Decree , or an eftablifhed purpofe as Budæus manifeftethout ofPlutarch: In Scripture, the wordis fundry times ufed and fiill in the fences before mentioned: fometimesfor.a fimplefore -knowledge; fo Paul ufes it, of theJewes, who knew him before his Converfion: ÁÊí.26.5. z gojrvá,áxovtss áva9av, it relates not towhat they fore -knew, but what they knew before, or in former da esr And as the fimple verbe (as was (hewed) is often taken, for Decerno,tuo, to decree, order, or determine, fo with this compofition it feemes moft tobe reftrained to that fence. iPet. t . 2o. It is Paid ofChrift that hewas apouyviuoldpos mpó ka, a aA s ci oo, he wasforeknown, orforeordained before the foundation of the worlds which is oppofed to that which followes tpavoproOEis 6 thav 'tar xp&v4 v óÌ dA, manifes`7ed in the lafi timesfor you, and relates totheDecreeorforepurpofeofGod,concerning the givingofhisSonne. Hence r*pbyvu,ovs is joyned with deteedps ßxÁ, Gods Determinate Counfell, as a wordofthe fame importance.Alls 2.23. co v oèiricvxßo, örejyvdoH &c: If them be any difference,the firfi defigning theWifdome, the latter the Will òf Godin this bu(mneffe: In the t t: Rom. 2. it hathagainethe faine fignification, God bath notcaft of aav oaav cur tv eveAyvmor theRemnant which among the obftinate and unbelieving Jewes , were under his everlafting purpofe of Grace: In which place caufelefly, and without any attempt ofproofe the Remonftrants twr ft the word to fignifyPreapprobation:Def.Sent.Art. i. The wholeconteft and defigne ofthe Apofile,the termes ofRemnant and Eletlion; whereby the fame thing is afterwardexpreffed, undeniably forcing the pro- / per