Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Connexion ofthe Atisof God's Grace, Anfwered. CA P.M. 4: 32. ter, the fcope ofthe place,we haveunder confederation , was granted before, 71 to be the making Goodofthat Afertion prernifed in the Head thereof, that allthingsfhould work together for good to Believers, and that fa to make it Good, that upon this Demonftrationofit, they might triumph withJoy and Exultation : which it cannot be denied, but that this uninterruptible feries of DivineA&s, (notframed by the Apoftle,but) revealedby the Holy Ghoft, is fitted and fuited todoe. Thirdly, fuppofethat be the Scope of the foregoingverfes 5 What is there in the 7hefesinfiftedon, and the fence imbraced by us, oppofite there- untoWhy to fuggeft any fuch thing to them as, that being called,and7u i-lifi= ed, nothing couldpobly interpof tohinder themfrom being Glorified, ( that is that God byhis grace will preferve them from departingwilfully from him, and will in JefusChrift eftabliihhis Love to themfor ever) was to furnifh them with a motive to neglect his exhortations: yea but this kindofArguing wecall herePetitio principii,and it is accounted with us nothing valid ; The thing inQeftion,is producedas themedium to Argue by. We affirme there is no ftrongermotive poffible to incourage themtoPerfeverance, then thispropo- fed. It is otherwife,faith Mr Goodwin; and its being otherwife in his Opinion, is the mediumwhereby he difproves notonly that,but another Truth , which he allo oppofeth. But he adds this Reafon, forwho would be perfwaded tofuf fer &c. that is, it is impoffible for any one induftriouíly and carefully toufe themeanes for the Attainment ofany End , ifhe hath Afuranceof the End by thefe meanes to be obtained. What needHezekiah make ufe of food, or othermeanesof fuftaining his life, when hewas afured that he lhould live fifteenyears ?The Perfeverance ofthe Saints is not in the Scripture , nor by anyofthofe,whom Mr Goodwin bath chofen tooppofe, held out on any fuch ridiculous termes, as whither they ufe means, or ufe them not; carry themfelves well,or wickedlymifcarry themfelves:but is alertedupon the ac- count ofGods efe&uall Grace, preferving them in theufe ofthe meanes, and from all fuch milcarrages, as fhould make a totali feparation betweene God and th it foules. So thatthis firft Reafon is but aplaine beggingof thefe things,which(toufe isowne language) he would not digge for. But perhaps,alrhough this firft ArgumentofMr Goodwin be nothing but an 4, 31, importune fuggeftion of force Hypothefis of his owne, with an arguing from inferences,not onlyR_iteflionablebut Vnqueflionably falfe;yet ifhis fecondDe- monstration will evincethe matter underDebate, he may be content to fuf- fer lofe in theHay and stubbleof the firft, fo that the Gold of the following Argument doe abide. Now thus heproceedeth in thefe words. Andlailly this deinonfirates thefame thing yetfarther. If-Godfhould Ju.i-fifieall without excep- tionwhom he Calleth, and that againS all barrs ofwickedneffe andunbeliefe, poffble to be layd in hisway by'thofe, who are Called; Then might un- godly andunbelieving Perforas inheritthe kingdom ofGod: thei;lì.eafonofthe con- nexion is evident: it being aknowneTruth,that the Perfoeis7ufliniedare in a con- dition orprefentcapacity ofinheriting the kingdome ofGod. Anf: But Carbones pro Thefauro, if it bepofible this(beingofthe fame nature with that which went before) ismore weake and infirme, as Illogicall and sophiftirall as it; the whole ftrength of it lyes in a fuppofall, that thole who are fo Called, as here is intimated in the text called according to thePur- pofeofGod, called toanfwer the defigne ofGod tomake them like toJefus Chrift, fo called as tobehereupon Juftified, mayyet lay fuchbarrsofWick- edneffe, andUnbeliefe in their ovine way, when they are fo Called, as not to be Juítified5 when that Callingoftheirs confifts in the efe&uall removeall ofall thofebarn ofWickednefe andVnbeleife,which might hinder their free and Gracious Acceptation with God. That is , that they may becalled Effe- tiitsall