Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C a P.IV.4r 1 F, Mr G's Interpretation .farthtr difproved. 1o8 dience, uponthe account of the gracious,and bountifull dealing ofGodwith them, both as to their Temporali and Spirituali condition, I defire to know wherein the difference of it from the oldCovenant , as to the collation of Grace,doth conffl?Andwhether ever God madea Covenant withman,where- in he did not put fufficient obligations ofthis kind upon him, unto obedience? And iffo, what are the betterpronsifes ofthe NewCovenant? Andwhat emi. nent and fingular things, as to the bellowing ofGrace,are in it? Which things here are emphaticallyexpreffed to the uttermoft. 4. The fcopeofthis Expofition(which lookesbut to one part ofthe Pro. wife about bellowingof Grace, overlooking the maine End and intendment ofit, as hath been{hewed)being to darken the wordsofthe Holy Ghofl, fo farte, as tomake them reprefent a contributionofmeans, inflead ofan eleats. t all working the end and the event , onwhich the means fupplied have an in- fluence ofperfwafion, toprevaile with mento doe the things they are affor- ded them for : Idefire toknow, (Firft) What new thing is here promifed to them, which exceeded that mentioned ch. 25.v: 4,5. Wherein the Lord tefli- fies, thathe hadgranted them formerly a large fupply ofoutward means (and efpeciallyof the word ) for the end here fpoken of. (Secondly) To what end, and on what account , is this adminiftration ofmeansfor a work exprefhedby termes ofa reall efficiency in reference to the work it felfe, which proceeding from the intendment ofGod, for the event aimed at, mull needs produce it? And(Thirdly) Why thefewords thould not beof thefame im- portancewith the affociate expreflìon, which ofneceflìty muffbe interpreted ofan a&uall and abfolute efficiency? v.41,42. And (Fourthly) Whether the Adminiflratíon ofoutwarçl fufficient means for the producingofan Event,can be a groundofan infallible predi&ion ofthat Event? As God hereabfolute- ly faith, theyfhall all know himfrom the Greatefl to the leafl. eh :31.34. which how it is brought about, the Holy Ghofl acquaints us Ií.4.13. TheyfbaIi beall taught oftheLord, and Ioh:6.44,45,46. It is written of the Prophets. And they pall be all taught ofGod:Every man therefore that hath Beard, and hath learned of the Father,cometh unto mee. But Mr Goodwin bath fundry Reafons to confirme his. Gloffe, which muff alto beconfidered; and he faith. x. That itis thefamiliar Dialedof Scripture to afcribe the doing of things or elfells themfelves, tohim that miniit f ers occafons, or proper andlikely meaner for the doing ofthem:fo God is faid togive them one heart, andone way to put hisfeare into their hearts, when he adminiflers motives, means, occafions, andop- portunities to them, whichare properto workthem tofuch aframe, anddifpofition ofheart, out ofwhichmenare wont to love, andobey him, whetherthey beever a- lluallybrought thereunto,orno: and this Promifè was fulfilled to the People after their returne out ofCaptivity,in the mercies they enjoyed, andthe Preachingof the Prophets. Anf. 1. We arenot now to be informed, that this is Mr Goodwin's Do- . &tine concerningconverfion: that God Both only adminiffer meanes, mo- tives, and oportunities forit', but that man thereupon cònvertshimfelfe. And 2'zThat when God bath done all he will, or can: that theEvent maynot fol. low, nor thework be wrought. But 31Y, That this fence by any meanes or opportunities canbe fafinedon thePromife under confideration,weare not as yet Powell inflru&ed. When God once intendeth an End, and expreffeth himfelfe fo to doe, promifing towork reallyand efficiently for the accompli- Thingofit, yea that he will, a&ually doe it, by that efficiency preventing all interpofitions whatever, that may tend tofrufiratehis defigne, that that End of his[hall not be accomplifhed, or that that workingof his is onlyan Ad- miniflration of meanes, whereby men may doe the things intended, if they will,