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M.G's interpretation farther difproved. thewords inhand, according to theeftimatehere taken ofthem. It is true, t07 it is in the Expofitionunder confederation left doubtfull and ambiguous, whe- ther Inch, or fuch an Event (hall follow the promifçd wings ofGodor no; but what God promifeth concerninghis dealing with them, that without fup- pofall ofany condition what ever, ilia!! be accomplifhed, Accordingas afence ferves the turne, fo it is tobe embraced, when menare once engaged againft the Truth. 3. Neither doth this Interpretation fo much astake notice of, much leffe Both it with anyftrength, or evidence, wave our ArgumentfortheSaints Per- feverancefrom this place. We affirme r. That the Promife God made unto, or the Covenant he makes here with his people, is diftingui(hed from, or oppofed unto the Covenant that was broken, upon this.account, that that was brokenby the default ofthem,with whom it was made;but God would take care and provide that this Ihouldnot faile, but be Everlafting. fer:31. 32, .33. Ch32.4o Heb.8.8,9. 2. Thatthe intendment of God in this Promife, and the adminiftration of thisCovenant, with meanes and power mentioned therein, is the abiding ofhis saintswith him, or rather ( primarily, and prin- eipally) his abidingwith them, notwithftanding all fuch interventences, as he will not powerfully prevent from everinterpofing to the difturbanceof that Communionhe taketh them into. Iwill, faithhe, make an everlasting Cove- nant with them, that Iwill not torn awayfrom themfromdoing them good. Now thefe things, and fuch like, arenot once taken notice of, in the expofition boafted tobe full and cleare. Sty Neither indeed hath it any affinity unto, or acquaintance in name or ß. 15. thing, with the words orintendment ofGod, with the Graceof the Promife, or the Promife it felfe.. For , r. God (faies he) willgive themone heart and one way, or he will put his Law in their inward parts, andwrite it in their Hearts : which is plainely the work ofhis Grace in them, and not the effect and fruit of his dealing with them. In theGloffe in hand, the work ofGod is limited to filch dealings with them, as may overcome them to fucha frame. Thehaving of a new heart is either the immediate workofGod; or it is their yeelding unto their duty to him, uponhisdealing bountifully and gracioufly with them. If the Firft; it is what the Scripture affirmes, and all that wedelire: Ifthe Latter; how comes it to beexpreffed in termes holdingout an immediate Divine Efficiency? That the takingawayofa heartofStone, the givingofa newheart, and Spirit, the writingof the Law in their hearts, and ( which is all one) the quickning of theDead, theopening ofblind eyes, thebegetting ofusa new, as they relate unto God,doe lignifieno snorebut his adminiftration ofineanes,whereby men maybe wrought upon, and perfwaded tobring-their "hearts and fpirits into fuch a condition,as is defcribedin thole expreflions, to quicken themfelves, toopen,their blind eyes &c. Mr Goodwin (hall fcarce be able to-evince. 2. Converfion, andPardonofSinne beingboth in this promife of the Co- venant (I take in alto that placeofthefaine importance caP.31.) and rela- ting aliketo theGraceofGod,ifConverfion, or the givingof a newheart, he doneonly by adminiftring outward meanes, and perfwafions unto men to makethe new heatrs; theforgivenefe o fsins muff all() be fuppofed tobe ten- dred untothem upon the condition,that their finites be forgiven; as Conver- lion is,on condition they be converted, or doe convert themfelves. 3. This Promife being by the Prophet and Apoftle infifted on,as contain- ing the Grace,whereby eminently and peculiarly the New Covenant isdifin guifhee' from that which was abolifhed; Ifthe Grace mentioned therein , be only the laying a powerfill and ftrongobligation on men to duty, and obe- P 2 dience