Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CRP.V1.4:r4, M.G's Obje nions and Exceptions removed. 140 they thenwere, oras he apprehended them to be; when hefo wrote to them. Anf. I muff be forced to finite this evafion once and againe, before we arrive at the clofeofthis cornea, it being fo frequently made ufe of byour Adverfary, whowithout it, knowes him felfenot able to rand againt the e- videnceofany one Promife ufually infited on. This is the fubtance of all thát,whichwith exceeding delightfull variety of exprefiïons, is an hundred times made ufe of. The Promife is conditional),andmade to thofe thattroll in the Lord, andis to be madegoodonly upon the accountoftheir continuingfo to doe:bait that they fball fo doe, that they fhall continue to troll in the Lord, that iswholly left to themfelves, andnot in the leafi undertaken in the Promife; and this is call. ed a difchargingor difming ofplaces ofScripture, from thefervice whereunto (contrary to theirproper fence &meaning) they are prefed, a delivering them from the bearingthe croffeof this warfare, with fuch like Imperiall termes and expreffions. To fpeake in the fingleneffe ofour fpirits, we cannot fee a- ny oneofthe difcharged Souldiers, returning from the Campe, wherein they have long ferved for the fafetyand confolationof them that doe believe: Particularly this Scripture deters the gloffe with violence impofedon it, and tells you,that the end for which theGod of truth fent it into this fervice, wherein it abicles,is to affure them that truft in the Lord, that they fhall be preferved in that condition to the end. That in the condition of truting and depending on God , they fhall be as Sian , and the Favour of God unto them as immoveable mountains, he will for ever be with them and about them: And that all this fhallcertainly come topaffe, Chria does not fay , that they (hall be as etablifhed mountaines, if they continue to truft in the Lord, but they {hall be fo in their trufling,abidingfor ever therein,through the fafe- garding prefenceofGod. For their being neceffìtated to continue truting in the Lord, there is not any thing in Text, or in our Argument from thence, or in the doftrine wemaintaine, that requires or will admit ofany Inchproceed- ing ofGod,as by that expreffion is properly frgnified. Indeed there is a con- tradilion in termes,ifthey areufed to the fame purpofe: to Tru.ff in theLord, is thevoluntary,free aí1of the creature: tobe neceffitated unto thisAft,and in the performanceofit, fo that it fhouldbe doneneceffarill as to the manner ofits doing, is whollydearuetive to the nature and being of it. That God caneffe&ually, and infalliblyas to the event, eaufehis Saints tocontinue tru- fling inhim,withoùt the leali abridgement oftheir liberty,yea that he doth fo eminently by heightning and advancingtheir fpirituall liberty, (hall be after- wards declared: ifbyneceffztated to continue trufiing, not the manner of Gods operation with, and them, for the corïipafftngofthe end propofed, and the efficacyof his Grace, whereby he doth it ( commonly decryed under thofe termes) be intended ; but only the certaintyof the iffue, rejefting the impro- priety ofthe expreffron, the thing it felfe weaffirme to behere promifed of God. But isurged, 4:14. 2,That this Promife is not made unto the Perfons ofanylbut meerely unto their Qualifications: like that , he that believeth fhall be Paved , it is made to the GraceofTrufiing,Obedience,and walkingwith God', for threatnings are made to theevillQualifications ofmen. Anf This it feemes then we arecome unto , and what farther progreffe tr'.aybe made the Lord knowes. The Gratious Promifes ofGod, made tohis Church, his People, in the blondof Jefus, on which they have rolled them- felves with fafety and fecurity in their feverall generations:, are nothing. but bare declarations ofthewill of God; what he allowes, and. what he relefts: with the firmeconcatenation that is between Faith and falvation, Obedience and reward. And this it feemes is the only ufeof them : which ifit be fo, I dare