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CAp,I.4:a;. 14 3. That theholy and bleffed Spirit which effotually and powerfully' Ioh.4a6,26. workes this change in them, is upon them as a fruitof the purchafe ,5. 26. and interceffronofJefusChrift to dwell in them, and abide in them forever: st 16.7, 8,9. upon the account ofwhich inhabitation ofthe Spirit,cf Chrift in them , they Rom. 8. 1o, have unionwith him, i.e. one and the fame fpirit dwelling in him the Head, I Con6. x9. and them the Members. Rom.5. 5. I Ioh.4.4,13. 2 Tim. 1.14. 1 Cor.6.17. & 12.12,13: EpheG 4.4 4. By all which as to their aauall Bate and condition , they are really 41 Loh. 3.14. changed ,from a death to life, from b darkneffe to light, from r univerfall ha- Eph. 2. 2 bituall uncleanneffe to holineffe, from a a ftateofenmity f ubbornneffe, re. CO, 2.13. Rom.6. u,13. belllon, &c. into a ftate of love, obedience,delight, &c. and as to their rela- tive condition, whereas theywere a children of wrath under the curie and b A@:26. Y8. condemning power of the law , they are upon the fcore ofhim , who was Eph.5.8. made a curfe forthem, and ismade righteoufneffe tothem, accepted,'juftifi- rhef. 5.4.. ed, adopted and admitted into that familyofheaven andearthwhich is call- , x Pet.2.9. ed after the name ofGod. cEzek.36.z5. Zach.13.1. Ifa.4.3,4 Eph.5.6. 1Cor.6.11. Tir.3.5 Heb.1o.22. dRom.6.10. Eph. 2.12,13,íq, 15. Col.1.2,.Heb., z.22. aEph.2.3. Gear. 3. 13.& 4.4,5,6,7. Rom.8.1. 2 Cor.5.21. C01.2.10. Rom.5. i. 8c8. 32,33. 1Ioh.3. 1,2. Ephef3.15. Thefe alone are they,ofwhomwetreat; ofwhore (fate and condition Per. feverance is an infeparable adjunct: whereinand in what particulars they are differencedfrom,and advanced above the moft glorious Profeffors whatever, who are lyable and obnoxious to an utter and everlafting feparation from God, (hall be afterwards at large infrfted upon: And though M. Goodwin bath thought good to affrme, that that defcriptionwhich we have Heb: 6, of fuch(as is fuppofed)maybeApoftates,is oneof the higheft and molt eminent, that is madeofbelievers in thewhole Scripture; I (hall not doubt but to make it evident, that the Excellency of all the expreffions there ufed , being extra- cted and laid together, doth yet come (bort of the meaneft and loweft thing that is fpokenofthofe, concerning whom we treat; as (hall bemanifeft, when through Gods affiftance wearrive unto that part of this conteft., 5. s3.. That the other terme(towit)Perfeverance may be more briefely explicated, I (hall take the fhorteft path.For Perfeverance in general!, he cameneere the natureofit,wholaid itwas in rationebenefundatiftabil t acperpetua permanfio. Thewords and termes, whereby it is expreffed in Scripture, will afterwards fall in tobe confidered. The Holy Ghoft reftraines not himfelfe to anyone expreffion,in fpirituall things of fo great importance, but ifing that variety which may be lofted to the inftruction,fupportment and confolation ofBelie- nom.1s4 vers, this grace(asis that ofFaith it felfe inan eminent manner) is by, himva- t sam.7. ,4, rioufly expreffed, To walke in the nameof the Lord for ever, to walke with 15 .. Chrifl as we have received,to be confirmedor ftrengthened in the,faith aswe have Yí2' 1.3' been taught, to keep tlj aiesofGods commandements to the end, to runne tied. 37. 24. fáfily theracefètbefore its, to ride withGod, to be faithfull with the Saints, to be 52. 1 ° faithfultto the death, to befound and"fledfaft in the precepts ofGod, to abide or 89.31. 125,1,2,3 . continue firme. with Chri$, inChrift, in the Lord, in the word ofChrift,in the do- 128. 5. Drive ofChrift, in thefaith, in the love andfavour ofGod, inWhat wehave lean Ira. 46. 4 necl and received from the beginning, to endure, toperflfi in the Truth, to be roo- Ierem. 3r.3. ted inChrif, to retaine or keepefaith and a good confcience, tohold fait our 32.39,4 ° c and faith to the end, to followGodfully, to keep the word ofChrifts z ath. onfidence patience, to bebuilt upon and in Chrili to keep our elvesthat the wicked one Math.7.z4, . P .f k 25. & 12. 20. & 16.18. & 24. 24. 'Lnk. 8. 5. & 22. 23. Ioh.6.35,39,56,57 & 8.12, & 30, 27 , 28,29. & 74. 16,17. & 17.20,18,28. Rom, 36,37. 1 Cor.3.8,9,1o,13._r5.58. OfSainrs and Perleverance. tempt,