Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Holine(í"e in its feverallAcceptations. C A P. I. ß: 32. that the carnali unbelieving part is apt to turne it intomantoneffe? Andwhe- 20 ther Believers walking after theSiprit, in which frame the Truthes ofGod in Rotrí.e.t,rç. the Gofpell are favory and fweet to them,doe experience fuch attendan- cies ofthe Doarineunder confideration,as are here intimated; Iam perfwa- ded Mr Goodwinwill one day finde, that he bath not a little grieved the holy spirit ofGod, by thefe4eproaches cart upon the worke ofhis Grace. Further, Doth this perfwafion Ante men that 'they(hall injoy the Love 6, Favour ofGod under the prablifes ofall manner offanne ? Or can this be wre[ied, byany racks or wheeles from this Aflertion, that none indeed injoy the love andfavour of God, but only they,towards whom it is effeauall to turne them from thepra- aifes ofall manner of finne and wickedneffe; to tranflate them from Dark- liege intomarvelous light, andfrom thepower o fSatan into the Kingdoreof rue chriff; whom the Grace that appearsunto them,teacheth to deny all ungo ñeffe andworldly lu s to live foberly,righteoufly,andGodly in this prefent wort : whom thatLove conftrainesnot to live vnto themfelves,but unto,him that dyedfor them? Doth it promife the love andfavour ofGod to Boggs turning to their vomit, &fwine wallowing in their mire? when the very difcriminatingdifference ofit from that Doarine whichadvanceth it felfe into Competitionwith it, is, that fisch returning Boggs andwallowing' Swine did indeed in their belt eftate and Condition,never truly and properly partakeofthe Love and favour ofGod: but notwithftanding their difgorging and wafhingof themfelves, they were doggs and fwineBill: But towhat end fhould I longer infift on thefe things? I am fully, perfwaded, Mr Goodwinhimfelfe cannot make roome in his under- ftanding to apprehend that this is indeed the true notion of the Doarine which he dothoppofe; Somethingbathbeen fpokenofit already, and more theLord afíìifling, will bedifcufled in the progrefíe ofour Difcourfe, abun- dantly fufficientto manìfeft to the confciences ofmen, not poffeft with pre- judice againft the Truth, that it is quiteofanother nature, Sc continency, of antherComplexion and ufefullnefïe,then what is here reprefented; I cannot but adde,that this way ofhandling Controverfies in Religion,namely inpro- pofing Confequences and Inferences ofour owne framing, (wierdrawne with violenceand fubtility from Principlesfart difiant from them, difowned, difa- vowed,and difclaimed by them,on whom they are impofed) as theJudgment ofour Adverfaries, loading them with all manner ofreproaches, is fach, as (beeingofall mmn in theworld moft walked inby the Arminianr,) I deliire not tobe Competitor with any in: handdefenforibees ills &c. Let us now a little (in the next place) confider what Mr Goodwin gives in for that Perfwafion, which in Oppofition to the other before by him dif- played, he contendethwith all his ftrcngth to advance; I doe not doubt but all that are acquainted with his way of expreffion, '(elato cothurno);will (as theymay reafonably) expeet tohave it brought forth rp ,u ss rpaeu4as , ador- ned with all the Gallantry , and Ornaments, that Words, can contribute thereunto: for of them there is withhim'ftore to beufed on all occafions: 'maTVS rheas The fumme ofthe Doarine he is fo inamoured on, he gives us Chap. g: is SeEl:2I. Pag. i i 5. Longa eft Fabula longe Ambagis) this is caput rei; x It is not ' any danger o f falling away in them,that areSaints and Believers, or probabilityof funt,quijam it, that he mainetaines but only po bility ofit, fach as there is, that fober and alignamdi, tn- carefull men may voluntarily throw themfelves down from the toppsofHou- Le vtrmaris colhotrari fuerunt,cm in eius coonitione pietatifque finds, tantem prafecerunt,ut habitat, tandem credendi fantldq; 'vivendi amparaverint: Hos non tan- turn ad Om ufque vitaperfeverarepoffe, fedfacile pore, ac libenter& cum voluptate perfeverare voile credimur, adei ut non ni,6 cum lutfâi maleftiâ ac elifcultate deficere Aftdynod. Dccl.Sea. A.5 p 189,19o. e D 2 fcs