Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C A P. 1. ß: 41. The vanityofMG'SGroundof Pcrfeverancedifcovercd. 6 ble to their Confiderations, I (hall ( in a word) confider them apart. 1. Firft the Confiderations mentioned, ofEvil/ tobe avoided, and Good to be attained, (I meane that which may put men upon Creating thofe ftrong inclinations:For fuchconfederations may be without any fuch Conf- quenceas inherthat cryed video rzeliora proboq; deteriorafequor)are either If- fuesand produ&s of mens owne naturall faculties, and deduced out ofthe power ofthem, fo that, as men, they may put themfelves upon them at any time; or they are Fruitsof the Spirit ofhis Grace, who zvorketh inus to .2Pet.[. 3,4. will and to doe ofhis owne good Pleafure. If they be the latter, I afke, feeing all Grace is of Promife, whether bath God promifed to give and continue this Grace offelfe-confederationunto Believers or noe ? Ifhe hath, whether abfo- lntely,or conditionally?Ifabfo!utely,then he bath promifed abfolutely to conti- nue force Grace in them, which is all we defire. If Conditionally,thenwould I know what that Condition is,on which God bath promifed that Believers (hall foconfider things mentioned? And ofthe condition which (hall be ex- preffed,it may farther be enquired,whether it be anyGrace ofGod, or only a meerA& of theRationall Creature as fuch, without any immediate Inworking oftheW ill and Deed byGod c Whatfoever is anfwered, the Queftion will not goe to Rell,untill it be granted that,either it is a Grace Abfolutelypromifed ofGod, which is all we delire, or apure Ad of the Creature contra-diftinft thereunto, which Anfwersthe firft inquiry: Let it then be granted,that the Confiderations intimated arenoother, but fuch as a Rationall man,who is in- lightenedto an aflènt to theTruthof God,may fo exert and exercife, as he pleafeth;then is here a Foundation layd of all the Ground of Perfeverance that is allowed the Saints, in their owne indeavours, as menwithout theAf- fiftanceofany GraceofGod; Now thefe Confiderat,ons ,be they what they will,muft needsbe beneathone tinglegood thought, (for as for that we have 2 cor.3,3. no fufficieucy of our felves f yea Vanity and nothing (for without Geni8, 21. Chrift,we can doe nothing) yea evill and difpleafìng to God, as are all the thoughtsand imaginations ofour Hearts,that are only fuch. Ihad fuppofed that no man,in the leaf}acquainted with what it is toJerve GodunderTempta- tions, and what the worke ofSaving Smiles is, but had beenfufficiently con- vincedof utter the infufficiencyoffuchRationall Conóderations,flowingonly fromConviîlion,to be a folid Foundation ofabiding withGod unto theend. Ifmens Houles of profeffion are built on fuch sands as thefe, we need not wonder tofee them fo frequently falling to the ground. 2. Secondly,fuppofe thefeConfiderations toad their parts upon the frage rai- §' 41' fed for them,to the Greateff Applaufe that canbeexpe&ed or defired,yet that, which comes next upon theTheater, will,I feare,foully mifcarry, and fpoyle the whole Plot ofthe Play: That is, mens vigorous inclination of their hearts to the good things ponderedon, towhat height theypleafe : For betides that i. Firft, it is liable to the fame Examinations,that paffed upon it's Affoci- atebefore, or an inquiry from whence he comes, whether from Heaven or Men? upon which I doubt not, but hemay eafilybe difcovered to be a Vaga- bond upon the earth, to have no Pafe from Heaven, and fo be rendred liable to the LawofGod. 2. Secondly, it would be inquired, whether it bath a Confif}ency with the whole defigne ofthe ApoftleRona. 7. and therefore, 3. Thirdly, it is utterly denied, that Men, the Bell ofMen,have in them- felves and of themfelves, arifing upon the account of any Confiderations whatfoever, aPower, Ability, or Strength, vigorouflyor at all acceptably to God, to incline their Hearts to the performance of.any thing that is fpiritual- ly good, or in aGofpell tendency to walkingwith God ; All the Promfes of God