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C A r. j. §: 42,43,44- Ifaiab C.4. opened and explayned. God, all the Prayersofthe Saints, all theirExperience, the whole defigneof 27 Godin laying up all our ftores of Strength and Grace in Chrift , joyntly cry out againft it for a counterfeit pretence. In a word, that men are able to plant in themfelves Inclinations and Difpofitionr to refraìne all manner of Sinne deftru&ive to the fafetyof their foules, fuller ofEnergie, Vigor, Life, Strength, Power, then thofe that are in them , to avoid things Apparantly tending to the deftru&ion oftheir naturali lives,is an Affertion asfull ofEner- gy, Strength, and Vigor, Lifeand Poyfon, for the deftruêtion and everfion ofthe GraceofGod inChrift, as any can be invented. To Phut up thisDifcourféand to proceed:Ifthefe are the folid Foundations ß.4á: òfPéace and Confolation, which the Saints have cóneerning their Perfeve= rance, if thefe be the means fufficient abundantly fufficient afforded them,for their Prefervation, that are laid in the ballance , as to the giving of an Evangelicall Genuine Aflùrance, with the Decrees, and Purpfes the Cove nant,Promifes and oath ofGod, the Blood and InterceJon of Chrift, theAn- noyntingand sealingofthe fpirit of Grace, I fuppofewe neednot care, how Toone we enter the Liftswithany, as to the comparingof the-DoEtrinesun- der conteft,in reference to their Influence into theObedience and Confolati- on ofthe Saints, which with it's Iffue, in the dole ofthis difcourfe (hall God willingbe put to the trial'. Now that I may lay a more eleere Foundation for what cloth infue, I (hall ß, 43 briefely deduce, not only the DoElrine it felfe, but alto the Method, wherein (hall handle it,from a portionof Scripture ; in which thewhole is fummarily çomprized , and branched forth into fuitable Heads , for the Confirmation andvindication thereof. And this alto is required to the mayne of myde- figne, beingnot fodirettly to Convinceflout Gainefayers, invanquifhing their obje Jions,as tostrengthenWeakBelievers,in helping them againftTemptations, & therefore(ball at the entrance holdout that, whereinto their Faith.muft be ultimately refolved;the AuthorityofGod inhisWord, being that Arke alone whereon it can reft the foie ofits foot. Now this is the Fourth chap.ofzfaiah, ofwhich take this (port account : It is aChapter madeu ofGracious Promi- fes,given to the Church,ina Calamitous feafon:theSean ît felfe is defcribed, verfes 25, and 26. ofthe third Chapter, and the firft of' this ; all holding out, a diftreffed eftate, a low condition; it is indeed Gods Method, to makeout gracious Promifestohis People,when their condition feems moil deplored,to fweeten their fouleswith a fence ofhis Love, in the multitude of thepere plexing ".thoughts, which in diftraéted times , are ready to tumultuate in them. TheFoundation ofall the following promifes lies in thefecond verfe, even Ç. 44= the givingout ofthe Branchofthe Lord, and the Fruit of the earth for Beau-, ty and Glory, to the remnant oflfrael i Who it is; who is the Branch of the Lord; the Scripture tells us in fundry places, Ifaiah ri. r. Ier.23.5 & 33.15; Zaeh. 3.8. The LordJefus Chrift,the Promife ofwhom is the Churches on ly Supportmentin every tryall or diftreffe ; it hath to undergoe; He is this Branch and Fruit , and he is placed in theHead here, as the great Fountain Mercy, from whence all others doe flow:In thofe that follow, the Perforas , to whom thofe promifesare made, and the Matter or ssb51ance ofthem areob- fervable; thePerfonshave variousAppellations, and defcriptions in thisChap- ter; They are called (Firft) the Efcaping of Ifraell: v. 2. They that are left in Sion, v. 3. yerufalem it felfe, v.4. TheDwelling places and A/fenibliesofMount Sion. v.5. That the fame individuali Perlons, are intended in all thefe feve. tallAppellations, is not queftionabie; It is but in reference to the feverall Ae`ts ofGods dwelling with them, and outgoing of his Love and Goodwill a both