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`Under the Old Ye"lament. i2i another illuflrious manifftation of the Son of God unto the Church of old, accoin- panyed with many initruétive circumftanccs. As (I. ) From the //rape wherein he appeared namely of a mm, asa pledge of his future incarnation. (z: ) The Title that he aflumes to himfelf; the Captainof the LordsHod, he unto whom the guidance and concha& of them unto relt, not only temporal , but eternal was committed; whence the Apoftle in Allufionunto thisPlace and Title, calls him the Captain ofour Salvation, Hob. 2.7). 10. and (3. ) The Perfon unto whom he fpake when he gave himfelf this Title was the Captain of the People at that time , teaching both him and them that there was anotherfupream Captainof their eternal deliverance. (4.) From the time and place of his, appearance; which was upon the firft entrance of the peo- ple into C nosan, and the nrlt oppofitions which .therein they met withall s fo en- gaging his Pretence with his Church in all things which oppofe them in their 'way unto eternal Reif. ( 5. ) From the Adoration and Worfhip which Jofhuahgaveunto- him, which he accepted of contrary to the duty and practice of created Angels, Fey. 19. v. I O. Chap 22. v. 8, 9. (6.) From the Prefcription of theCeremonies ex- prefsing Religious Reverence, put off thy (boo's, with the reafon annexed, for the place whereon thou flandeil Mitt 1.179, it is holinefs, made fo by the Pre-fence ofGod, the like Precept whereunto was given to Mofes, by the God of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. Exod. 3. v. 5. By all there thingswas the Church inftruted in the Perfon, Na- ture, andOffice of the Son ofGod; even in the Myfterie of his eternaldiftinêh fpb- filfence in the Deity, his future Incarnation and condefcention unto the Office 'of being tile Head and Saviour of his Church. Thefe Manifeftations of the Son of God unto the Church of old, as the Angel or 4. 19' Meffenger of the Father fubfitling in his own DivinePerfon, are all of them Reve- lationsof the Promifed Seed, the great and only Saviour and Deliverer of the Church in his eternal Pre-exiftence unto hisIncarnation, and pledgesof his future taking fiefh for the acceimplithmeut of thewhole work committed untohim. And many other inftances of the like nature may be addedout of the former and later Prophets,which . becaufe inmolt important Circumstances they are coincident with there need not here particularly be inGfted on. Some of late would apply all there Appearances unto a created delegate Angel ; 4° 2° which'conceit as it is irreconcileable unto the facred Text, as we have manifefted, fo is it contrary unto the fenfe of the antient Writers ofthe Chriftian Church. A large Colle&ion of Teftimonics from them is not fuited unto our prefent Defign and Purpofe, I (hall therefore- only mention two of the muff antient of them; one of the Latin, the other of the GreekChurch. The firft is Tertullian, who tells us, Chriffur fimper egit in Dei Patric nomino ; ipr ab initio converfatus eft congrefas cumPatriarcbis Prophetic. adv. Misr, lib. 2. Chrffl alwayesdealt ( with men ) in the name ofGod the Father; and f himfelf from the beginning converted with the Patriarchs and Prophets. And again, Chrf;fus ad colloquia humana femper defeendit, ab Adam ufq; ad Patriarchde &Prophetic, invifione, in fòmno, in ffeculo, in.enigmate, ordinem fuum preffruimslimper ab initio ; & Dews in terris cum hominibur converfatrls eft, non alius quam firma qui ears erat futuras. Adv. Praxeam. It was Chriif who defeended into communion with men, from Adam unto the Patriarchs andProphets, in Vifions, Dreams, and Appearances, or Kepre- fentations of him!èlf, inJirufting them, in his future condition from the beginning; And Godwho converted with men on earth, was no other but the Word who was to be made Alb. The other is Juflin Martyr whofe word needs not be produced , feting it is known how he contends for 'this very thing, in hisDialogue with Trypho. That which is more dire} unto our purpof, is to enquire into the Apprehenlions §. 21 = of the JewifhMailers concerning the Divine Appearances inlifted on, granted unto the Patriarchs and Church of old, with what may thencebe colleted for their convicti- on, concerning- the Perfonofthe M.ah. The molt part oftheir Expofitors do, I confef, pats over the difficultiesof the places mentioned, (I mean thofe which are fuch unto their prefent Infidelity) without taking the lean notice of them. Some would have the Angel mentioned to be Michael, whom they. aliign a Prerogative unto above the other Angels, who prefide overother Countreys. But who that Michael is; and where- in that Prerogativedoth conili they know not. Some fay that Michael is the High Prieft of Heavenwho offers up the prayers of the Righteous; fo R. Menahem;- The Prieft above, that offereth or prefenteth the fouls of the Righteous faith another, more agreeably unto the Truth then they are aware of. One fignal instance only, of the evidence of the Truth' infnlled on, in the words of Mofs Nechmanides Gerun-- R denfis,