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izz eMyearances of the Sots of Clod denfs, on Exod. 23. which bath been taken notice of by many , than at prefent fuf- fice. His wordsare; lite Angelus fi rem ipfam dicamuo, eft Angelus Redemptor, 'de quo Scriptum tf quoniamnomen meum in ipfo eft: IG'e inquam Angelus, qui adJacob dicebat, Gen. 31. 13. Ego Deus Bethel. Ille de quo dittum eft , Exod. 3. q: t vocabat Mofin Deus de rubo. Vocatur autem Angelus quia munduen, gubernat. Scriptum eJt'enim Deut.6.zi. eduxit vos JebovalfexIEglpto; â alibi Numb. zo. 6. mifit Angelum fuum & eduxit vos ex IH'gypto. Praterea fcriptum eIt Ifa. 63.9. & Angelus faciei ejur falvos fecit ipfor. Nimirum ille Angelus qui eft Dei facies; de quo ddlum eft Exod. 33. 14. Facies ureapreibit, & eficiamut quiefeas. Denique ille Angelus e(t de quo votes Mal. 3. 1. & fbito veniet adtemplum fuum dimitons quem vos qukritis, eo'Angelus fxderis quem cupitir. And again to the fame purpotè. Animadverte attente quid ilia fibi velint. Facies mea preibit. Mofes enim & Israelite limper optaverunt Angelnrn primum, cate- rum quú ille eft vere intelligere nonpotuerunt. Neque enim ab.alito percipiebant, neque prophetica notione fails affequebantur Atqui Facier Dei, ipfem Deunsfgnificat, quodapud miter interpretes eft in con*: V; erum ne per fomnium quidem ifta intelligere.queJuam poffit, niftfit in mylteriis legit- eruditus. And again, Facies mea preccdet, h. e. Angelus frderis quem vos cupitis in quo videbitur facies mea : de quo dil-sum eft, tempore accepts exaudiam te, nomen meum in eo eft. Faciamq; ut quiefcas; five efficiam ut ipfi tibi fit lcnis es benignas ; neque to ducat per rigidum, fiel placide & clememer. This Angel, if we fßeakexaltly, is the Angel the Redeemer, concerning reborn it is written, my Name it in him; Exod. 22.21. that Angel who faid unto Jacob, I am the God of Bethel, Gen. 31.13. He of Whom it is faid, andGod calledunto Mofesout of the Buff, : Exod. 3.4. And he it called an Angel because he governeth theworld. For it is written, Deut. 6. 21. The Lord our God brought us out of Egypt ; and elJewhere, Numb. zo. 6. He fins his Angel and brought us out oflEgypt. Moreover it is written, Ifa. 63. 9. And the Angel ofbis Face ( Prefénce ) Jàved them. Namely, that Angel who is the Face of God; ofwhom it is faid, Exod. ;3. 14. My Face fhallgo before thee , and I will caufi thee to refl. Lajtly it is that Angel of whom the Prophet speaks, Mal, 3. 1. And the Lord whom ye fekshall suddenly come unto bit Temple, the Angel of the Covenant whom ye delight in. His following words areto the fame purpofe. Markdiligemly What is the . meaning of thole words, P41Face ¡bail go before thee. - ForMofesand the Ifraelites always: d:fired the chiefeft Angel, but who that was, they could not truly underftand. For neither could they learn it ofany others, nor obtain it by Prophetie. But the Face of God figniftethGod him- félf; as all Interpreters acknowledge. But no man can have the leaf knowledgehereofunlefi he be ¡killed in the*fierier of the Law. He adds moreover ; My Face (ball go, before thee, that is the Angel of theCovenant whom ye deflect in whom my Face /ball be fen; ofor it is faid, in an acceptable time have I heard thee ; my,Name it in him;- I will caufe. thee to rest; or caul that be fball be gentle or kind unto thee, nor Jhalllead thee with rigor, but quietly andmercifiell - 4, 22. This $la. Moss bar Nachman; wrote 'about the year of the Lord, 1220. in Spain, and dyedat 3erufalem, An. 126o. and is one of the chiefeft Mailers of the Jews. And there are many things occurring in his Writings, beyond the common rate oftheir pre- lent Apprehenfions. As in the Places cited, he loth plainly. evert one of the principal foundations of theirprefent Infidelity. For henot onlygrants, but contends and proves that the Angel fpoken of, wasGod, and being fent ofGod as his Angel, hemufi be a diftinii Perfon in the Deity, as we have proved. The Reafon indeed he hxeth on why he is called an Angel, namely, t;ecaufe he governeth the world, alt Bough the thing its felf be t rue, is not foproper. For he is fo called becaufe of his eternal delignati- on, and áéfual delegation by the Father, unto the work of laving theChurch in all con- ditions from first to last. And as he acknowledgeth that his being called the Face of God, proves him to be Cod; fo it Both no left evidently evince his Personal diftinétioit from him whole Facehe is; that is, the Brightnefs ofbis Glory, and the expreß image ofhis Perfon And what he adds of the Mercy and ,Benignity which by the appointment of God he exercifeth towards his People, is tignally fuitable onto the tenderness and mercy which the great Captain of our Salvation exercifeth by Gods appointment to- wards all thofe whom he leads and conducts untoGlory. 23. -,It is alto not unworthy consideration what Tome of, them write inTanchuma, an ancient Comment on the fiveBooks ofM f s, fpeaking of the Angel that went before them from Exod. 23. v. 20. God, fay they, faid unto Mofes, behold I findmy Angel be- fore thy face. ,But Mofes nfwered, I'will not have-an Angel, but I will have thy felf. But when Joshua the Somof Nun frret faw the' Angel, he faid, art, thou for us , or for our adverferies l