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14© The Faithof the Antient Churchofthe yerps of Kings; and ver. r9. that the Sun fhould no more give light by day; and yet ver. 2o. that it fhould.no more go down. Chap. 65. v. r7. That new Heavens, and a new Earth .fhall be created , and that the old (hall be remembered no more that Treer andFie/d{fhall rejoyce and clap theirhands for gladnefs ; with other things innumerable in the fame kind. Now if theygrant, as they mufl, unlefs they intend to expofe all Sacred Truth to the from and contempt of Atheifls, that there ex- preffions are figurative and. Allegorical, they mutt do the farne in all other Pro- mifes of earthly things, as of Peace, Plenty, Vi6hory, long Life, Dominion, Wealth and the like , being fet out in the fame kind of Allegorial Expreliions. At lead they cannot make them in the ffriff literal fenfe of the words the object of their Faith and Expectation, unlefs they can by fame. infallible rule declare, what is figuratively to be underflood in them, what proper, , or which Promifes are expreffed Allegorically , which not. And this they can never do. The Êvent therefore is the only infallible Interpreter of the meaning of fuch Prophetical Pre- dictions ; what ever precedes that,: is but conjectúre. Wherefore, t. 34. Secondly, Some interpret all [hefe Promifes and Propbefies Spiritually , without the leaft refpe h unto thofe outward terrene things, which are made ufe of in figura- tive Exprefsions only to fbaddow out thofe fpiritual, heavenly, and eternal things which are intended in them. And indeed this way of Interpretation which Calvin . follows in .all his Commentaries, is attended with great probability of Truth. For the main Ends and work for which the Mph was promifed, being as we have proved Spiritual and eternall , and whereas it is evident , that many promifes of things relating unto him , and the. condition öf them that believe inhim are Al- legorically expreffed ( it being the conftant way of the Old Tellament to fhaddow out fpiritual and heavenly things , by things earthly and carnall, ) this war, of interpreting the Promifes , feems to have great countenance 'given unto it , both from the nature of the things themfelves, and the conflant tenour of the Prcphe_ tical Style. According unto this Rule of Interpretation, all that is foretold in the Pfalms and Prophets, of the Deliverance, Reft, .Peace, Glory , Rule and Dominion of the Church; of the fubjeékion and fubferviency of Nations, Kingdoms , Rulers, 'Kings and QQ,eens thereúnto, intends only either the Kingdom of Grace, confrffing in Faith, Love, Hobnefs, Righteoufnefs and Peace in the Holy Ghoff with that fpirituall Beauty and Chin, which is in the ' Worfhip of the Gofpel or the Kingdom of Heaven its felf where lyes our Happinefs and Reward. And indeed this Interpretation of the Promifes, as in refpect of many of them it is evident- ly certain, true, and proper, they being fo expounded in the Gofpel itfelf ; fo in refpect of them all , it is fafe;, and fatisfa Cory to the fouls of Believers. , For they who are really made partakers of the fpiritual good things of the Meffiah , and are fubjcdtss of his fpiritual Kingdom , do find and acknowledge,, that Li- berty, -Reft , Peace and Glory , thofe durable Riches therein , as they are abundantly content withall what ever their outward condition in this World may be. And unto this Expofition, as to the main and prime intend- ment of the Promifes , the whole Doctrine of the Gofpell gives counte- nance.. fl 35 Thirdly ,'Some acknowledging the Kingdom of the Mef]îah to be Heavenly and Spiritual, and the Promifes generally to intend fpiritual and heavenly Glory and Riches, that is, Grace and Peace in Chriff lefitr, do yet fuppofe moreover that there is in, many of them an intimation given of a Meld, quiet, peaceable, flourithing éhtate of the Church through the power' of the Mewl, to be in this world. But this they do with theft limitations. ( r. ) That theft Protifes were not made unto the Jews as they were the feed of Abraham according unto the. flefh, primarily and abfolutely but unto the Church, that is the children of Abraham accordingunto the Promife, Heirs of his Faith and Blefsing. That is, they are made unto all them who receive and believe in the promifed Mefiab Jews and Gentiles, with whom as we have proved, the Priviledge of the Church, and intereft in the Promifes was to remain. (z.) That the Accomplifhment of theft, Promifes is referved unto an appointed. time when God shall have accom- plifhed his work of feverity on the Apojiate Jews , and of Tryal and Patience to- wards the- called Gentiles. (3.) That upon the coming of that feafon, the Lord will