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Concerning thé MefïÑ b. 41 will by one means or other, take off the Veyl from the eyes of the Remnant of the Jews , and turn them from ungodlinefs unto the Grace of the Mefliab ; af- ter which, the Jews and Gentiles hieing made áne Fold under tliegrszt Shepbeard of our fouls, (hall enjoy Rat and _Peace in this world. This they think to be inti- mated in many of the Proniifes' tat. the Old Teffathent, which are brought over unto the ufe of the Church as yet unaccomplifhed , in the Book ofthe Revelation. And herein lyes all the Glory which the Jews can or may expe6, and that only on fuch terms, as yet they will not admit of. But theft things mull all of them be fpoken unto at large, when we come to anfwer the Objections which they take from them, unto our Faith in.efurCbriff. That which above all things manifells the Folly and irreligion of the imagina- 4. 36. tion of the Jews about thePerfon and Work of the Melliab, is the.Event. The true Mefliab is long fine come, hash accomplifhed the work afsigned unto him, made known the nature of the fire, and confequent Promifes, with the Salvati- on that he was to effeil, no way anfwering the expeéèation of the Jews, but only in his Genealogie according unto the flefh. And thisis that which is the fecond Sup_ pofition, on which all the Difcourfes and Reafouings of the Apoftle in his Epiftle to the Hebrews is founded , andwhich being abfolutely denruaive of the Judaical in° fidelity, íhall be fully confirmed in our enfuing Différtations, T a Exercitatio