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142 The Promi[ed ,Meliah long fince come. ExercitatioXII. Second Principle fuppofed by the ApofilePaul in his Difourfes with the Hebrews. The Pro- mifid McJTab war then come , and had done bis Work The firft Promife recorded not) 19'7)1X7. Promife with the limitation of time for his coming neceffary. Fiooß de- termination hereof made byJacob, Gen. 49. The Promifè confined to Judah; afterwards toDavid ; no more refirained. Jews félf-contradiFing exceptions to the words of Jacob's Prophefie. Interpretation of Jarchi. OfAbell Ezra examined.- Who meant by Judah. The Tribe.. Not his Perfan proved. Scepter and Scribe bow continued in Judah. The fame Polity under various Forms ofGovernment. How long they continued. .Did not depart on the Convey} of Pompey. Nor Reign of Herod. Continuance of the San- hedrim. The name j+T)D whence. ooritteeer. The Place and Court ofJudges. yews Etymologie of the Word. Infitucion of that Court, Numb. 11. a 6. The order of the Court. Place of their meeting. rriirpru1&. í\i173. John 19. r3. &ualificatións of the Perfns. Who excluded. Their Power. Punifhments inflilled by them. The leffer Courts.. Mzfi'ake of Hilary. Shilo who,, and what the word fignifleo. yudaical Interpretation of 1711) refuted. Argument from the words. Rule,granted unto Judah. Proved by theContext. Confine of Targums. yudaical Evafions removed. Rife and fignificatien of the word Shilo. Meffiah intended thereby.- s.-7ttE) nrIp1 147 opened and vindicated. Confine of Targums , Talmuds, and moff Learned Rabbins. Scepter long fine departed. Story ofBenjamin Tudelenlis examined. Meffiah long fence came. 4 HE fecond great Principle fuppofed by the Apoftle in all his Difcourfes- with the Hebrews in his Epiifile to them, and which he layes as the foundation of all his Arguments, is,. that the Mef lab whom we have proved to have been promifed from the foundation of the world, was a6ually come, and had finifhed the work appointed for him; then when he wrote that Epift/e. This the yews pertinacioufly deny unto this very day, and thisdenyall is the center wherein all the lies of their unbelief do meet ; and hereupon in a miferable deplorable con- dition do they continue crying for, and expe6lmg As coming, whocame long fine, and was rejedted by them. Now this being the great difference between them and Chris tians, and that fuchjan one as bath a certain influence into their Eternal conditi- on. As they have endeavoured to invent evafions from the force of' the Teftimonies and Arguments, whereby our Faith and Profeffion is confirmed ; fö are we to ufe diligence in their vindication and .eftablifhment; which we hope -to dountothe fa- tisfaétionof thefober and godly wife in our enfuing Difcourfe. 4. z. The úr11 great Promife of the Mefrah at large infifted on before, declared only his coming; and the endof it ingeneral. This Promifè was recorded VD n43n], Pfalm. 40.8. or, as our Apoffle, Heb. ro. 7. 4 xewaaídtt llißsíe; in thebeginning, head, or Pit 'roil of the Book ofGod, namely, Gen. 3. as a liable foundation of all the reft that enfued. And it refpeited all the pofterity ofAdam, that theymight have a re- fuge whereunto to repair in all their diftreffes. -When the care of it, and refpeik unto it, and faith in it were rejeEted by the world, %Isos máela ad tien mopA's, -raja ód` is ùv1w, Alls 14.16. God left it unto the wayes of its own choofing, to fhift for its felf; and in his Soveraign Grace and Pleafure renewed the Promife unto Abraham with a relirif'ion and limitation of it unto his Family as that which was to be fcparated from the refs of mankind, and dedicated to the bringing forth of the Mef- fiab in the appointed feafon, as we have declared. Upon the giving of that Promife, with the Call and Separation of Abraham, wherein the Church became in a fpecial manner vifible, -there wanted nothing to confirm the faith, and fix the expeiationof thofe that defired his coming ; but only the determination of the time wherem.he should fo do.' And this Was neceffary upon a double account : ( a.) That thole who were to live before his Advent,or appearance in the flefh,mightnot only byfaith,fee his Perforiafar and