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Teftintonies proving the Meliáh to be come. 159 Lathy, The glory of the Worfhip of this Temple confummated its beauty. Now 6 t G this was principally founded in the glorious entrance of 1]17tä or Divine Prefince into it, upon its Confecration by the Prayer ofSolomon. Hereof God gave á double pledge. Firtl, The faking down of the Fire from Heavento coifumethe tirlt Offerings, and tolea've a Fire to be kept alive perpetually upon the Altar, a Type of the effectual operation of the Holy GhoJf, making all our Sacrifices acceptable to God. And this the Jews exprelly confcfs to havé been wanting in the Second Temple. 2 Chron.7. t. Secondly, The Glory of the Lord, as a Cloud tilling the whole Houfe, and refling upon it, v. a,;. This foundation being laid, and attendedwith a Sacrifice of many thou- (ands of Cattle, the whole Worlhip was iglorioufly carried on, according to the infli tution revealed unto David by the Spiritof God. And the better to enable them to a right performance hereof, fòme of the chief Minifiers, as klemm, Ethan and Jedu- than were themfclves infpircd with the Spirit of Prophecy. So that plainly here we had the utmoft Glory, that a Worldly SanEbuary and Carnal Ordinances could extend unto. Having taken this brief view of the Glory of Solomon,. Temple, we, may now on- y. t ú. quire after what that Glorywas, which was promifed to thisfecond Houle, concerning which the Prophet affirms exprelly, that it fhall exceA all the Glory which on any ac- count belongedunto the fiat. And firfl we (hall confider the apprehenfion of the ews in this matter : Firlt, Some ofthem plainly infinuate , that this whole Promife was conditional, and depended upon the obedienceof the people, wherein they failing, it is no wonder if the Promife was never accomplilhed. Thus Rbarbinel wouldhave the Prophet freak to them, mini man. 1=trui lira' +1 ï]At ; Ifyour work,. -be right in the Obférvation of the Law. And to this end , Kimcbi afterAben Ezra, giveth us a new connc 'lion of the words : For that exprellion, n.4. Be f}rang all yepeople ofthe Land, ttDyl, and work, he carries on to the beginningof the next verfb ; p11 lnyts 1Wyl anDnts rlrTh vx'nta 1Wtd1111 n*s 1Wyn OH 1t11111 fAt 11Át1 7'b9;1 p, and work; it coheres in fenfs with the following Ferf, or this word, if you do thework that I covenanted withyou; and fo leaps over thofe words in the end of vcr. 4. and whereon the whole fifth verfe Both evidently depend For I am with you, faith the Lord of : And thefe following words, fo mySpirit remaineth among you, he inter- prets for a Promife depending upon the fame condition; IfJog do the ward that I covenantedwith you, that is, obf'rve the Law; 111n1 1W9 ;01 1t5tÓ11W 111ít ialt 1]Ní771 rim; ; '7_1+a iibna71 ;TOM] W17rl Dirt ì17091 But after they finned, and ob- .ferved not the Law, the Holy GhoJf, andProphecy- eeafed from amonyfi there in the dayes of Zachariah andMalachi. And to the famepurpofe flbarbinel, 12í(7 11.311m na'tmn á1W117`1 7 1111, The glorious Pretence, Prophecy, and the re/i of the Holy rh ;ngs that were then wanting, Amid return unto them if their wayes were right and good. And in this fancy they all agree. gut this wrefting of the Text isevident. There is no condition intimated in the words, but rather the contrary; God promiling to be with them, as he was in the days of their coming oat ofthe Land of gypt,wherein the work that he wíought for them, depended not on their Obedience, but was a ulcer effed of his own fauhfulnefs, as he often declares. And thofé words t=f311n1 n10ÿ Irml, and my Spirit fanding, abiding,or remaining, in the matt ofyou, among you, is no Promife of any thing that was future ; but a declaration of the pretenceof God by his Spirit then amongit them, to carry them through all difficulties and difcouragements that they had met withall. And this is evident from the Inference that is made thereon, 1í514-1 1724, fear ye not. For as the pretence of God with them by his Spirit and power, was their great encouragement ; fo a Promife of any thing that was future, was not fuite-d un-. to that purpofe. And hence the Targum offanatban, fuppolìug the Spirit of Prophetic. to be intended, referreth the words to the Prophets that were then amongit them, who inftructed them in the Will of God. But by the Spirit, nothing is there intended, but the efficacious working of the Providence of God, in theiiProtedtion, as it is ex- plained, Zech. q. 6. Not by Might, nor byPower, but by my Spirit, faith the Lord ofHoffe. And the tra;e;`ì:ron of the words invented by Kimcbi, is a bold corruption of the Text, and contrary to the whole defign of the Prophets meffáge to the people. His bufinefs was to encourage them to go on with the building of the Temple : To this end, he bids them be ftrong and do their work, rim r'i ri hvy, faith Rabbi Levi . : Work on this building; carry on this Fabrick. 1T191, faith Jonatban, fall toyour la< hour, and thereunto he adds the encouragement from the prcfence ofGod, who was powerfully 4. 13-