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4 16o TeJlimonies proving the Mefaiah to be come. powerfully prefent with them by his Spirit, as in the dayes that he brought them out of the Land of aEgypt. This Evafionbeingof noufe fomething more fatisfa'Etory mutt be enquired after; fomething wherein the glory of the latter Houfe mutt excel that of the former. That they may not beutterly filent, the Maffersof the prefent Judaical Infidelity fix upon two things , which they -would perfwade us this Glory might conÑ in: Ftrff, They fay the Strutture it felf, either as built by Zerubbabel; or at leaf{, as sectored byHerod, was Higher, as more capacious then that built by Solomon; and the glory of it was encreafed by the great riches of the Nations , that were broughtinto it , in thedayes of the Hafmonans, and ofHerod, when that was accomplith'd, whichwas here foretold, that the riches of the Nation, fhould come to that Houfe. So Kimchi, I will Bake, this is an Allegorical Expreflion, faith he, of the great glory and good , that God would bring to Ifrael in the dayes of the fécond Temple ; and when was this? 171tJwl't trtt3 rttrt 111; it was in the dayes of the Hafenoaxans5 t)ri11rt j>,i Sy 1H; or in the time ofHerod : for which he refers us tó the Book ofjot hBen. Gorion, the Plagiaryof the time ofjofephus. And this alto is repeated by archi andAbarbinel, for the Glory ofthe Houfe its Pelf. The fame man tells us, that his Mattersof bleQed Me- morywere divided ; fome referring it unto the time ofthe Banding of the fecond Houle, of which afterwards. Some to itsgreatnefs : Anqd for itsgreatnefs he informs us. The fecond Houle, tojt]1r1 í7.71t113 =1 aoit 19011yW t 11a11 31r17w, ln7 rna 1711I slut 1r11t?7 11271 311.1 T,J1 i±itllya rItn7 ai`1 on-nrt, in the Strutture of ir, was great: as it ie written in the words ofour Babbitts ofbleid memory, and in the Book ofJofeph BenGorion, namely, that there was no building in the whole world, to. be cimparedwith that Strutture whichHerod built for beauty and excellency. But there are not many of this opinion, and thofe that pretend themfelves fo tobe, fpeak contrary to their own Science and confeience. Theyknow well enough, that the latterTemple was in nothing to be comparedunto theformer. And this Abarbi- ,nelacknowledgeth, in theentrance of his Expofition of this Prophecy, affirming that the people were troubled at the remembrance of the Houfe built by Solomon, which was'greatand high, filled with multitudes of Veffelsofpure Gold and precious Stones: whereas that which they werebuilding, wasfmall, according to the Commandof the King of Porfia ; and without treafure, becaufe of the poverty of the people : and though this Houle was built higherby Herod; yet it was not at all enlarged by him but ereáed precifely on the old foundation. But not to enter at prefent intoconfi- deration of the meafures of the former Strudurc : Let the latter' Temple be thought as wide and longas the former , andfome Cubitshigher, Both this prefently give it a greater glory then theother ? aGlory fomuchgreater, as to be thus eminently promifed and intimated tobe brought inwith the (baking ofHeaven, and Earth, Sea, and dry land? Can any thing more fondly be imagined ? It were endlefs to reckon up the par- ticular iuftances wherein it cameIlion of the Glory of the, firti Houle. Let but the heads of the Beauty and Magnificencethereof above recounted be run over, and this will quickly appear. In aword, notwithftanding the imaginary greatnefs pretended, it hadnot thehundredth part of theGlory ofSolomon,' Houfe, which alto thefe Matters on alloccafions 'acknowledge : for betides all the GoldenGlorious Pips andOrnaments of it , Befides all the treafures difpofed in it, befides fúndry of the moll magnificent parts of thebuilding it felt, they generally acknowledge that there werefive things wanting in the lati, wherein the principal glory of the frrft Houle confìfted. Thefe are diverfly reckoned up by them, but ingeneral they all agree -about them,; and they are given us by the Author of Aruch in the root 13] in this order : 'Rcpt 11171 111197 jä12, the Ark propitiatory andCherubins, one; that is, the whole furniture of the Sandtuary. 111.) 11]17w, the Divine MajeJly or Prepuce, the fécond It enterednot into the Houfè in that glorious and folemn manner, that it did into the Temple of Solomon. twtttw rlN133 Ni Iw wriprt 1111, the Holy Ghoff which is Pro- phecy, the third; all Prophefies ceafingunder that Houfe, from the dayes ofMalachi unto John Baptift : 13731 im,otr11 ì=í11M , Vrim and 7hummim, the fourth thing. WPM =VIM To tat; Fire from Heaven, to kindle the everlatii»g fire on the Al- tar, the fifth thing. They that acknowledge all thefe things to have been wanting in the fecond Temple, as the Jews generally do, and the Talmud in atilt+, Chap. 5. ex- puffy, cannot well compare the gloryof it, withthe glory of that Temple wherein theywere, and whereof they were indeed the chiefefl glory and the moti eminent pledges of theprefence ofGod therein. The 04.