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174 Danïèl's'Prop1ecy Vinalicated. Chst. 8. 12. it is laid, .11Cnri O-ir;, and of them, Chap. t 1.3Z. To rr t i+t' thr,, (hall take or remove away the continual Offering ; that is, hinder the obfetvati:m of it, and attendanceunto it, when it ought to be obfetved. Of the Prince, Chap. 9. v.27. it is laid, 7n0D1 r12/ ntat n, be Pall cage to ccafé Sacrifice and Ofring ; fo that do jure, theyought nomore to be obfervcd. d. 18 In the laine time, faith he, the raid Prince it raid, v. 27. far the ovcrfpreading of abomi- eations to make defolate ; a phrafi attributed unto Antichrii t, Chap. 8; 12, 13. & t t. 31, there laid to fit up the abominations making.deflate. , Anfv.Although great defotationsand deftracîions being treated of in all thereplaces, .it would not he Mange, if the fame Author fhould exprefs the alike events in the fame terms ; yet thole which we are referred unto, are not the fame in the Original, norof any confiderable correfpondency.. And the like may be 'laid of another in- fiance, which hé adds in the ninth place, between an expretiion, Chap. g. V. 27. and Chap. II. L. 36. wherein is no agreement at all, and the places treat directlyof things different, yea contrary. 4, 19. It is added in the lall place, That as in thefventy'Weekr, the divifion of the feven from thefixty, andof both from the one Week, are :inapplicable to the material reauratio.n out of real Babylon , Jo they will exe5ily and preciselyagree to thelteflauration out cfAntichri- flian Babylon, as'hall belhewed: AnJw. That the diftribution of the LXX. Weeks mentioned in the Text, is appli- cable unto the continuanceof the JudaicalChurch and State,, with the coining of the Meffiab, and theaccomplif ement of his wink, bath been in part already fhewed, and Mall be fully cleared in our enfuingExpnfition of theplace. (a.) Unto the exalt an- fwering of it unto the Reflaatration of the Chitreb from Antichriflianifm : I (hall only fay, that .ifmen may be allowed to fix Epocha's arbitrarily at their pleafitre; and make applicationspf what is fpokcn in any place of Scripture; untowhat thingsand pafons they pleafe, there is no doubt, but that they may make their own imaginations toad- here andagree- well enough together. 4 ao. This brief view we have taken of the Reafons of this Reverend Author, both thefe whereby he endeavours toprove,, that in this Prophecy, the comingof the Mefab is not intended, and thofe whereby he would induce a perfwyfion, that the whole Of it, isnot only applicable unto, but alto doth direétly intend the flare and condition of the Church in thefe latter dayes, whereby whether he hath evincedhis intention, and whether his Arguments ate fufficient to difpoffefs us of the Catholick Faith of the. Church in all Ages, concerning the fence and importance of this Angelical Meffage unto Daniel, is left unto the Judgement of men lober and learned. For mypart; I (hall take it for granted, that they are all of them fo far removed out of our way, as that we may proceed with our deigned Explication and 'Vindication of thisPrc- phecy from the exceptions of theYews, withoutanydillurbsnee mm them. 4, 21, There are three things that in this ifuflrious .Prophet, offer themfclves tiro our confideration. Firfc, The general Teftimony given unto the coming of the Mph, and the limitation of timewherein heIhould fo come. Secondly, The efpecial fenfe of the-wordsin thé feveral paffages of it, and the di- flindt Prophecies contained in them. Thirdly,The Chronological computation of the time defgned, in an exadhaccount of the fpace of time limited from the beginning unto the end. The Firfl of thefe isthat wherein principally we have to dò with the Jews; namely to prot'e from hence, that there was a time limited. and determined for the coming of the Mefrahwhich is long fine expired. And all things herein'we (hall findclear and evident. Both the fpace of time limited, and the feveral coineidencies of its ex- piration are fufficientlymanifeff. In the fecond altowe have to deal with theta in order unto the confirmation ófthe former. In both there the latter Mailers have flu- dioufly endeavoured to raft difficulties and perplexities on the words, which mutt be removed, by the confideration of their ufe and genuine importance, with the fiope oftheProphecy, and the help unto the trndediandingof it, which is contributed from other places ofScripture. Thethird is attended. with fundry entanglements, which although they are not abfolutely inextricable, yet are fetch in refpeet of 'Come minute parts of calculation, as will not fuffer us to fo dentonfirative a certainty, as that all men should be conipelled to acquiefce therein. This is fufcicntly manifetted in the different calculations of the moll Learned of ,the antient and later Writers who have laboured in this fubieá, In reference therefore hereunto, I (hall do rhef two things,