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Daniel's Prophecy Vindicated. 173 Fie Eyes, Thirdly, In all other Prophecies ofDtniel the mtin fiibjc£i of then is the Hi- b 13. Rory of A,i ich4ri -, the LVxldenfan Saints and their Succefprs, refiered and redu_ed out ofAn. tichr;'fiian Captivity : See chap. 7. 6 2. er 8.6 ro, I t, i z Anfw. This is Petitio Principii, and bath no foundation, but the arbitrary Hypothelis of our Author ; and it ftems orange that there fhould be fo many Prophecies of the Churches of Chrill, and none amongil them of Chrift himfelf: For this is far fróin the Genius and flrainof,the Old Teftanient, all the principal Prophecies whereof firilly and direétly intend him, and the Church only as built on him. ( a. ) Grant therefore, ( for we will not needlefly contend ) that fome of thole Prophecies may concern there latter times, it doth not at all follow' that ,thisaltomull Co do ; conlidering the great variety ofDanielspifions, and there are Arguments unanfwerable that it Both not do fo, as will afterwards appear. It is added fourthly, That the parallel proportion of phrafi argueth the annointed Prince, 4. 14. v. 25. to he the Prince of the Covenant, Chap. i i. 22. which there dash fignifre the Princes of the Wáldenfes. Anfr. ( 1.) That expreflión e(+I] rpm, , a. 25. is not well rendered the Annointed Prince. It is Meffiáh thePrince, King, or Leader ; as all Tran(lations what ever agree. And indeed this is, ifnot the only, yet far the molt lignal place in the whole Old Teflament wherein the promifedRedeemer is directly called the 'MESSIAH, whence his ufual Appellation in bothChurches, Judaieal andCbriftian is taken. For there is not above one place more where he is immediately and &redly fo called, and not in his lÿpes ; neither is that place without Controverfie. To interpret this e2Lpref1ìon there- fore in this placeotherwife, is to take away the foundation of that Name of ourRe- deemer, by which the Holy Gholi in the Net:, Teftament loth principally propofe him unto our Faith and Obedience; which certainly would be in prejudicium fidet Chri ans..: ( 2. ) ThePrince oftbe Covenant, Chap. i I. v. 22. in thole wars ofAntioch/es Epi- pbanes, or Perfecutions ofAntichrift ( I determine not whether) may be another from D3ßiah the Prince here promifed. The'freights of times, he (ayes Fifthly, v. 25, and the deftroePionof the City, u26. dofitly agree to the Antichrijtian Perfcution : See Chap.8. aq: 11. 23. AnfW. They do more fitly agree to the times of the building of Jerufalem, and laft de(truétion thereof, concerning which they are fpoken. All Streights and Delirué}ions have fomewhat alike in them, wherein they may feem to agree ; but it Bothnot thence follow, that one is intended in the Predietionof another. It is, further urged, The eefis of the laft weeks, are parallel with the Antichriftian 16. Perfecutiondefcribed, Apoc. r r. For as theCheijtian Church is in both places fignifiedby the Hob, City; Apoc. i t. 2. with Dan. 9. 26. and flreights oftime laid in both .places tap before the laft affilcïioru, Apoc. r I. 3, 3, 7. with Dan. 9. 25. fo the .laß afflictions are alto prepofedwith marvellous agreement ; thole three years and an halfof Tyranny over the con- quered Saints in the endof the Perfecution ; here half a week of years, that is precifely three years and an bailout outfor the fame end. The War immediately preceding theforefaid Triumph, .Apoc. rr. 7. here in like manner. ' A zfw.(1.)The likeneflofrhrafes and Expreffionsin letting out different Events agreeing only in fomegeneralls,efpecially in the Predictions that concernChrilt and his Church, which is predejlinated to be conformed unto him, is fo frequent in the Prophecies of the Old Teflament, that nothingunto the purpofe ofthisLearned Author can-be con- cluded from fuch an Obfervation concerningtheft places. (z. ) The Ch'riftian Church is notintended by the Holy City, Dan. 9,v. z6. but exprefly that City, whichWas to be built upon the Decree of the KingofPerfia, whofe condition was revealed unto Da- niel uponhis prayer for it, andabout it. (3. ) It is no wonder that there fliould be Streights before Defolations, at all feafóns of them whatever. (q.) The half week cutoff from the reft ofthe weeks,is not to be three years and an half of Perfecution, Ty- ranny and Triumph ; baton the contrary, it isdefigned for theConfrrmatián of the Co- venant, by thePreaching of the Gofpel; fo that here is nothing of the parallelifmpre- tended in theplaces compared. He proceeds; From the beginning of the fecondhalf ofthelag week, or ofthe threeyears 5. 17. and anhalf, aPrince is paid to caufe the Sacrifice and Oblation to ceafe ï v. 27. a Phrafe af- eribed unto Antichriff, Chap. 8:1 r.& 11. 31. Anfw, I have (hewed before that the fmilitude 'ofPhrafes in places, is no ground to conclude a coincidence of the famethings intended. (i.) The Phrafes are not the fame, not alike in the places compared. Concerning himwho is fpoken of Chap. 1