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71 Metiah, The Deliverer from&ill, hisSin he couldnot do for nomancan by any means efeape that, whereof he is in no danger. And thisRepentance of his, they affirm tohave been attended with fevere Dif .cipline and felt maceration,intimating the greatnefs ofhis fin, and the difficultyofhis efcape from the punifhmenhytlue thereunto. , So Rabbi Eliezer in. Pirke.Abo:h. cap. zo. Tth,Mpri+v ID2 t;:riNDMmin 1Mí11; On thefirs day rfthe'Week.Adamentred into the Waters oftheupper Gihon,until the Waters cameunto his neck;and heafflieiedhimfelff¿ven Weeks, until! hisBody became like aSieve; And Adam fäid before the Holy Bkffed God, Lord ofthe wholeWorld, let my finsI pray thee be doneaway from me, and accept of-my Re- pentance, that all Ages may know that there is Repentance, and that thou wilt receive them that Repent and turnunto thee;. Hence alto they tell us, that upon the Pardon ofhis fin, he fang a Song ofPraifeunto theLordon theSabbath Day, which is mentioned in the Targumon theSong ofSolomon, chap. r.v.1. as one of the Songs in reference where- unto thatofSolomon is called, O+i+t= "My, the Song ofSongs, or the rnoftexcellent of them. And although indeed that expreffion, Mil MC, ding thou fhalt dye, ac- cording to the propriety of the Hebrew Tongue , denotes only the Certainty and Vehemency of the Death threatned in which cafe it ufeth reduplications; yet fome of them have not bee erfe to apprehend , a twofold death , ofthe Bo- dy , and of the Soul , t intimated in that expreflion ; as Fagius on the place well obferves. Body Soul they fay both finned , and therefore both were to be punifhed. ;luny) Mr! ytiD tin ben faun -can lint TIN] t:+fttolri i=rnato 13in la WIN yip) 7n ittalrt Mn +71 ; Ifthe firth fin without the fßirit, why is the foul punifhed? Is it one doing that fins, and another that is punijhed ? or rather is it not thus , that both fin together ; and fo both are julily pu- n.ifhed togethér. 4.7 Thus is the condition oftlieSin and Punifhment of our füfiParents themfelvts, ac- knowledged by them. And the fame is that of their Pofierity. What was threatned unto, what was inflided upon thofe whofirf finned, they are all liable and obnoxious unto. Are theynot all as fubje&unto Death, as was Adam himfelf? Are the mileries ofman in his labour, or the forrows ofWomen inChildbearing taken away ? Is the Earth its felf freed fromtheEffects ofthe Curfe ? Do they not dye who never finned after the fimilitude ofAdams Tranfgref ion ? TheJews ehemfelves grant that all death is penal. ill) rín f1D" rto Nun benXi1p /IN; There is no Death without Sin; rto Punifhment or Correction without iniquity : It is the Paying ofR.Ame in the Talmud, Tra- Pat. Sabbat. cited in Sepher Ikharim, lib. 4. cap. 13. And this PrincipleMaimonides carries fo high, as todeny all rtariff 'AD 7'11D+, Correitfion of Love, affirming none tobe of thatmind, but Come Geonims deceivedby the Se& of Muatzali. More Nebuch. p. 3. cap. i7. And they who dye pcenally under the Curie, abide in no other efface than that mentioned. They acknowledge alfo the remainder of the Curfe ou the Earth its felf on the. fame account. -$301 'áufit ma) th ea l=1%rt rir11Dhw Minn tit tZn ettoti ¿,á1w irme =WI. The whole World, fayes one of their Mailers, was not treated but for man; and therefore after man tinned, it came fhort. of its flrft perfetlion. But thefe things being of fome life for their Conviétion, as alfo to difcover the pervesfe obftinacyof Tome of theirlater Matters, we may a little more particularly' take them alongwith us. 4, g. Exit, They acknowledge that Adam was a common Headunto all mankind. Sofaith Manaf Ren. Ifae! from their Principles. . Cum itaque eft Adamfuturus rapt & prin- cipium humanenature, neceffe ¿rat illi a Pea eonferri omnem perfeetionem & feientiam : De Fragilisate; gag. 34. Whereas4dam was to be theHead andPrinciple of humane nature, it was neceffary that God fhould endow him with all perfection and knowledge. And this Perfe&ion of his knowledge Aben Ezra on Gen. 12. proves from Gods bringing all Creatures unto him to give them Names according to their Nature. And the fame Author again inhis Difcourfe deTerminoVite. Aben Ezra inquit nominibus propriis in SacraScripturanonpreftgi 13?TM NrI, He.demonfirativum, quad tarnen in vore Adamfit, Gent 3. 2?. ratio eft quia in Adamo notantur omnes ejus polleri, & univerfa flecks &- Marradefrgnatur. Aber Ezrafiiyes, that HeHajedia is not prefixedunto proper names inthe Scripture; only it itfo unto the Word Adam, Gen. 3. V. 22. and theReafon is, becaufi in Adam all his Pòlerity, the whole Race of Mankind is denoted and frgnified. Now this could not be, butby vertue of Tome Divine Conftitution. For, naturally,Adam could have noother Relation to his Pofterity than every other man hath unto his own. And this was no other but that Covenant which God made with all mankind in him ; whofePromifes andThreatnings, Rewards 'and Punifhments, mutt, therefore equally refpedi themwithhim. Wherefore