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Opinions of the ten's about their Tradition. Wherefore, Secondly, they grant that on this account, his Sin isst imputed :elm all his Pofterity. That is flame of them do fo, and thofe the molt fober of them. So Rabbi Menahem Rzkänatenfts in fee. Berefhith. 6-c; rnrrn L7tN Nor 49 r1tofl4 It, is no wonder why the Sin ofAdam and Ev`ewas engraven and foaled with the Signet of the King to be propagated untoall following Generations ; For in the day that Adamwas created all things Werefinifhed, fo that he was the Perfetiion and Complement of the whole . workmanfhip of this world. Therefore when be finned the whole worldfinned, whole Sin .re bear and fieffer, which is not de in the Sin of his Pofteriy. To be foaled with theSigne, of the King, is their ExprelfionofGods Conftitution. And theft words are very confonant to thofe of-lour Apoffle, Ram. 5: tz. As to one man Sin entered into the World, and Death by Sin, fó Death raffled upon all men, for that, or becaufe in him all have finned. To the Came purpofe fpeaks the Targum on EéclJy.v.2 9. in the Copies followed by the Jcyan andLondon Bibles ; ( for fo the words are not in chofe ofBuxtorf nor the Biblia Regia) God made the Firfi man upright and innocent b f re him , but the S pent and Eve deduced him', 171dÿ Nttpno t tU-u Np1N itt7 `77`11 Nillt t =h and gave caufe why the day of Death flnold come oh loins and all the Inhabitant.' of the Earth. And we can have no more Aushentick Teftimony of the Apprehenfions of their antient Dodo's, than what their `Cargums afford us. And therefore Jofeph Albo in Scher Itharim exprcfly concludes lib. T. chap. It. that all the punifhments relatingunto Adana and Eve for tbeir frjt Sin belong unto all mankind; And whereas they fancy that Come Perfous fpent their dayes without aékual fin; at leaffany fads as fhould deferve Death, they charge their Death on the guilt of the fin ofAdam. So the Targum on the lafl Chapter of Ruth'; AndHobedbegat Joffe, who woe calledNachash, and there was no iniquity, or corruption in him for which he fhould be delivered into the hand of the Angel ofDeath to take his foul from him ; and he lived many dayes, untill the Counfill that the Serpent gave to Eve, abode before the Lord ç and up- on that Counfell'were all the inhabitants of the Earth made guilty of death , and upon the account of that fin dyed Jelle the Righteous. Lud.Capellus in his Annotations on John3 hatla anobfervation on this pasfage in theTargum, not unworthy confideration. The Jews call /eJiío 1tUv without 1): whichdiffers little from +to+ ; and fó he may be here intended ; for he may be called urrt7 both becaufe he was prefigured by the Brazen Serpent, and becaufe theNames of wm and fl tDZJ are the fame byGematry, or in their Numeral Letters; a great occafon arnongft them to change the Names of Perlons and things. And this they might have from (bme Tradition which they un- der(loodnot. The likeTeftimony we have in Siphre; 1rá41 Ng it71c7x;t s y abbi Jodi theGalilean faid, go forth and learn the Merit cfMeg-lab the King, and the reward of that Righteous One above the firff Adam, who bad only Negative Precepts given unto him which he tran]keefel behold how many deaths befell him and his `Generations, and the Generations of his Generations, unto the End ofall Generations. Anfwerable unto that of the Apolile, Rom. 5. 18. Therefore as by the offence ofone, judgement came upon all men unto condemnation, even fo by the righteoufnefl of one, the freegift cameupon all men unto the juftificationof Ltfe. And this Punifhment of theSin of Adam and Eve they grant to have been fo terri- ble,that they fay,ehat in theday they were call outofParadife God lamentedover them. jiritt5V Nth1, '1G 11Wszl NflJiG 171NfN1 í11r11 t=11N li1flts1 tGJ. Even as Adam and Eve when they were judged and call out of the Garden of Eden, and the Lord of the world lamentedover them. Targum, onLamenta, chap, r, o, t. And to Phew alto that the whole creation was made fubje6 unto Vanity upon the Sin Of 'our firs} Parents, Mtfes Haddarfhan in Berelchit Rabba onGen. 3. v. 6. informs us, that Eve gave of the fruit of the Tree which (he took unto all the Beafis of the field, ánd Birds of the air, 5vi only, (which they interpret the Ph,enix) excepted. The Truth indeed in theft Expre(liotis is clouded withFables and trifles; but they who are offended at them may do well to dire&us unto Judaical Writers that are free from loch follies ; and yet on theft things do innumerable poor fouls venture their Eternal Condition, iii an oppofition to the bleffed Gofpel,of the glorious God, The later Maffers I acknowledge are in this whole matter lubricous and uncertain; and they have been fo in efpecial manner ever fine they began to understand the plea of Chriftians for the neceflity of (atisfaîlion tobe made by the fufferings of the Meddiab from the Doetrine of the Fall and Sin of Man. HenceAbarbinel in his Commentary on Ida, 53. exprelly argues again(} thole fufferings of the Melfiah, from the non-neceffityof them with referenceunto the Sin ofAdam. They contend alto Come of them thát I it 73