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Meditatitmi and Difcourfel figns or outward occafions,witl frequently engage them in holy thot1ghts of him, which is the moft eminent charaCter of a truly fpititual Chriftian. 4· T H E next Direltion is , Tl;lat all our thoughts concerning Chrift and his glory, fhould _be accompanied with Admiration, .Adoration, and Thanksgiving. For this ' is fuch an abject of out- .Thoughts and AffeCtions, as in this life We can never fulJy comprehend ; an Ocean whofe depths we cannot look into. If We are fpiritually renewed, a11 the faculties of our fouls are enabled by grace to exert their refpettive powers towards thi's glorious Object. This muft be done' in various duties, by the exercife of various graces, as . they are to be aCted by the diftintt powers of the -faculties of our minds~ This is that ·which is iritended,where we are commanded to love the Lord with all our fouls, with all our minds, with all our ftrength. All the diftintt powers of out fouis, aret to be acted by diftintt graces and duties, in cleaving unto God by Love. In Heaven, when we are come to our center, that ftare of Reft and Blef.. fednefs which our nature is ultimatelycapable of, nothing but one infinite invariable object of out minds and-affeCtions received by vifion, can tender that ftate uninterrupted and unchangeable. But Whilft we are here, we know ot fee but in part; and we .muft alfo aCt our Faith and Love' , on parts of that glory, which is not at once entirely propofed unto us , and which as yet we cannot comprehend. W,herefore we muft act various: graces in great variety about it; fome at one time, fome at another , accordirig Unto the powers of all our renewed faculties . Of this fort are thofe mentioned