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on tbe Glory of Chrifl. 7 S Condefce'ntion. .from the prerogative of his being anti ftate; what heart can conceive, what tongue can exprefs the Glory of that Condc{cention in the Son of ·God, whereby be took our Nature upon him, took it to be his own, in order un- .to a c}ifcbarge of the Office of Mediation on our behalf? · · BUT that we may the better behold the Glory of Chrift herein , we may briefly confider the ejpecial N ature of this Condefcention , and wherein it doth confifl:. BUT wh~reas not only the denial, but Mifapprehenflons hereof have peftered the Church. of God in all Ages, we nmfl:' in the firft place ~eject them , and then declare the Truth. r . THIS Condefcention of the Son of God did not confift in a laying afide or parting 'lvith, or [eparation fr om the Divine Nature; fo as that he fhou1d (;.:eafe to be God, by being man. The foundation of it lay in this, that he was in the f orm ofGod, 4nd counted it not robbery to be equal 1.vith God, Phil. 2. v. 6. That is, being really and effentially God in his Divine Nature, he profeffed him(elf therein to be equal with God or the Perfon of the Father. He was in the Form of God, that is, he w~s God, participant of the Divine Nature, for God bath no Form but that of his Effence and Being ; and hence he was equal with God, in AUthority, Dignity and Power. Becaufe he was in the Form of God he muft be equal w~th God ; for there is order in the Divine Perfons, but no inequality in the Divinct J3eing. So the Jews underftood him, that when ~e fai~,God ?1/fiS ~is ffJther, he rnade himfelf equal - '#)it~ /