Owen - BT200 O97 1684

. Meditations and Difi·ourfei under a pretence of grea~ Subtilty and Acnracy do. deny that he bath either Flefh or Blood in Heaven, that is, as to the fubft:ance of them ; however you may fllppofe that they are changed, purified, glorified. The great Foundation of the Church, and all Gofpel Faith is, that he was made fle[h, that he d~d partake of Fl~{h and Blood, eve;{ as did the Chlldren. · That he bath forfaken that Flef,1andBlood which he W9.Smade in the \Vomb of the Bleffed Virgin ; wherein he lived and died~ which he offered unto God in Sacrifice , and wherein he rofe from the dead, · is a Socinian Fiction. \iVhat is the t.t;ueNature of the Glorificatiori of the Humanity of Chrift, neither thofe ivho· thus furmize nor we can pe.rrealy comprehend. It cloth not yet appear what we our felves fhall be, much lefs is it evident UntO US What he is, Whom ; we {hall be like. But that he is itiil in the fameHumane Nature, wherein he was on the earth,· that .he harh the fame Rational Soi1l and the fame Body, is a Fundamental Article of the Chri.,. ftian Faith. . . 2. · THTS Nature of the Man Chrift Jeft1s,. is· filled with all the Divine Gr(l.ces rmd Pe'rfe8ions whereof a limited, created Nature is capable. It is not Deified, it is not made a God ; 1t cloth not in Heaven coalefce into one Nature with the Divine by a compofition of them; It bath not any EiTenrial Property of the Deity communicated unro ir, fo as fubjectively to refide rti it ; It it not made Omnlfcient, Omniprefent, Omnipotent : Btft it is exalted in a fulnefs of aU Divine Perfection ineffably above the Glory of Angels and I\-1en; lt is incomprehenfibly neater God vJ1r:m they alt ; . , · lradi