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~56 MeditafiottJ and Difcou,r~! which are real; or between a·r1 Husband aml , \\rite,' which is mo;al and real a:Ifo. That ther~ .~s fuCfh1 a ·c~9njt~nCtibn · betw~~n Chrift and his Churc.:h, the S(;riptt1r,e plentifully detla:res , ·as alfb that it is th~ fo'undat~on of the Eqttity of hi~ ft 1 ffer,~g in 'its · ft~a cL " So · fpeaks the A poftle~ ~ph. 5: 2), 26, 7--7, i8, 29, 30; 3 I, 3~· Husbtfnd:r love your ·uizves, even :a.r C61·ift aljo loved the Church ( that is ~is Wife, ~he Bride the Lambs Wife) ftndgaiJe hirnfelf for zt~ ' &:~. ·· ~Being th~ Head an~ Husband of the Church, whtch was to be fan eh:. fled · and fa~ed; ai1d ·couiG l5e fo no otherwife ~ut by his bloo~ anet ftlfferings, he was both meet fo to fbfter' and it was righteous· ,lfo that what ·pe qid a:np ft1ffer~ci' fhould be !ii.:iputed unto them for whom he both 'dki it,' and· fuffered: Let the adve!fa:ries of ;'the Glory of Chrifi affign ariy one :Infhmce of fucH '(! Cdnfu~fl'i~n~ Union and ReJa. fion b~tween any ·ampngfr mankind, as is between ·Chrift a net " the Ch i1rch~ arid they may give fome Fotmtena~~e 'imt6 rheit Cavils · aga..inft his Obepience anq Spfferirigs in bur ftead, ' with the im- # puration of wHat' he· did and·fi1ffered unto us. Buc ~h~ ·; ~Jory ·qf Chrift is jingular · herein , anq ~rft1~h it appears unrnrhemby whom the My,;. ftery qf it is ~n any m~afure. fpiritually apprehended.-" · ·· '· · · ' · ·· · · ' ' J· ·: f3UT yet jt will ~e (aid, that this Myflical Conj un}t~on of Chrift W~th his "Church ;is con(e'quential pnto wha~ he did and filffered for it : for it el1· ft~e§ oq : ~qe ~onverfion of men tinto him. · For jt isbylctith thC1-t ~e are implanted into him. Unf~r ;hftt he a'cti1a1ly wrought 'in us, We have rio 'MJJ!itql 'Conjunftion with him. ·'He'is rtot ~n Hui.d, • .. 1' . " .. : . . >. •. .. - .\ . .•. ~f.